EN 1343-2012 pdf download

07-10-2021 comment

EN 1343-2012 pdf download.Kerbs of natural stone for external paving – Requirements and test methods.
When the kerbs are intended to be used in areas subjected to freeze-thaw requirements, the freeze/thaw resistance shall be determined using the test method in EN 12371. The results shall be expressed and declared as the mean flexural strength before and after 56 cycles of freezelthaw (technological test).
The frost damage, which a natural stone may suffer when installed, depends on the climatic conditions of the place of use, the relative position in the works (which determines the degree of saturation) and the predicted service life of the works. This number of cycles is appropriate to a specific project and may help to provide guidance for the interpretation of the test results. The selection of the stones is subjected to climatic zones and/or to codes of practice.
For some specific uses, for example in locations that are subject to temperatures below – 12 °C, it may be appropriate to use different test cycles. e.g. freezing in water, freezing to a lower temperature, or testing specimens embedded in non-porous siliceous granules or a different number of cycles. e.g. the identification test as defined in EN 12371.
4.3.2 Freeze-thaw in the presence of de-icing salts
Where required, freeze-thaw resistance with the effect of de-icing salts shall be determined and declared. In the absence of a European test method, freeze-thaw resistance with the effect of de-icing salts shall be determined and declared according to national provisions valid in the place of use of the product.
4.4 Breaking strength — Flexural strength
The flexural strength shall be determined using the test method in EN 12372 and the lower expected value (E1) shall be declared.
An identification test as defined in EN 12372 is normally carned out. However, where the surface finish of the delivered product is known, the test may be carried out with this finish, in accordance with the technological tests defined in EN 12372.
NOTE I Guidance on the appropriate breaking load for different classes of use Is given In Annex A.
For some specific uses where a load under constant momentum is required, it may be appropriate to determine the flexural strength in accordance with EN 13161.
NOTE 2 An example of the calculation used to determine the lower expected value is given In Annex C.
4.5 Appearance
4.5.1 General
The colour, veining, texture, etc. of the natural stone shall be identified visually, typically by a reference sample of the same stone suitable for providing a general description of visual appearance.
the vein pattern, the physical structure and the surface finish. In particular the reference sample shall show specific characteristics of the stone, such as holes for travertine, worm holes, glass seams, spots, crystalline veins and rusty spots.
The reference sample does not imply strict uniformity between the sample itself and the actual supply; natural variations may always occur.
If the processing of the stone involves the use of patching, fillers or other similar products for natural holes. faults or cracks, then the reference sample shall similarly display the impact of the same on the finished surface.
All the characteristics as shown by the reference sample shall be considered typical of the stone and not as flaws, therefore they shall not become a reason for rejection, unless their concentration becomes excessive and the typical character of the stone is lost.
The name and address of the manufacturer or the supplier of the stone, as well as the denomination of the stone in accordance with 4.1 andlor information on the treatment in accordance with 4.1.2 above shall be indicated on the reference sample.
Any comparison between production sample and reference sample shall be camed out by placing the reference sample against the production samples and viewing them at a distance of about 2 m under normal daylight conditions and recording any visible differences in the characteristics of the stones.
4.6 Water absorption
Where required the water absorption shall be determined using the test method in EN 13755 and the higher
expected value (EH) shall be declared.
4.7 Apparent density and open porosity
The apparent density and open porosity shall be determined using the test method in EN 1936 and the mean values declared.
4.8 Petrographic description
A petrographic description shall be provided, including a petrographic name, of the stone type, in accordance with EN 12407.
4.9 Dangerous substances
National regulations on dangerous substances may require verification and declaration on release, and sometimes content. when construction products covered by this standard are placed on those markets.EN 1343-2012 pdf download.

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