EN 1310-1997 pdf download.Round and sawn timber Method of measurement of features. Kwit rhster
KnoLs are nwasured on the surface on which they an’ transversely cut.
The size d shall be the overall width of the knot
duster (figure 12k nwastin’ ci), or the sum of the of tin’ mdwt(lIIal kUOLS (figure 12B), where
d=dj+c12+… +d,1
whkhever is less.
4.2 ResIn pocket
[)ewnding on tiit grading nile used,
a) measun’ the major axis of the resin pocket, t’XI)fl’SSe(I In IlUllillIetIes. If inure than one, also
record their munher per metre length of the fl( f for the full length of the piece; or
b) not measured, record its presence.
4.3 Reaction wood
Depending on the grading rule used,
a) measure the length andfor the width of a
tiangle that encloses it, expressed in centimetres or as a wrreritage of the length and/or the width of the surface (face or edge) being considered. Where thcn are tWo or mere areas of reaction wxxl. each shall be measured as before, and the respective
(huIeflSiOfls totalled; or
b) not nieastuvd, recant its presence.
4.4 Grain
4.4.1 Slope of grain
Use a scribe to determine slope of grain.
A scribe is shown In figure 13.1. It consists of a cranked md with a swivel handle at one end, a needle set to a slight ti-ailing angle at the other.
If the SIi1W IS (lfaWfl along 11W piece of timber in the apparent (hreetlon of the grain, applying sUfflCWIIt but not ecesive pressure. it Will scribe a line that shows .ccunitely the direction of gnn.
To cheek, it is reconmiended to draw sevend adjacent lines, with the direction of pull diverging slightly to the lefl and to the right, the scribe should still follow the comet direction (see figure 13.2). Express the result as a percentage, using the fomnda
i- is the deviation of 11w grain, in niilliinetres
y is the length over which the measure’Iuent is taken, in millimetres.
4.6 Bark pocket
Depending on the grading nile ILSCd,
a) ii .isure the length and/or the width of a rectangle that encloses it, expressed in centimetres or as a percentage of the length and/or the wHitli of the surface (face or edge) being consldere(L Where there an’ two or more areas of bark pocket, each
be nica ured as before, and the respective dimensions I tdhd; or
b) record the number of bark pockets over one metre length or over the length of the piece; or c) not measured. record its pnsenee.
4.7 Sapwood
Depending on the grading nile used,
a) tind that portion of the surface (face or edge) being considered where the sapwood is widest Measure the width awl expis the result in millimetres or as a percentage of the width of the surface; or
b) not measured, record its presence.
4.S Wane
Depending on the grading nile used,
a) measure the length (c) of wane and express It in ceithiiwtres or as a percentage of the length. If wane shows on more than one part of the ams, add the different lengths (c1, , … cJ, see figure 15; or
length of the e1ustex If there are several fissures or clusters, total their length. Express the result In rnilliint4res or as a percentage of 11w length of the piece; or
b) not nwasured, record their presence.
4.9.2 RIng and heart shakes
If showing only at one or both ends of the piece, record their presence.
If showing on a thee or edge, measure as in 4.9.1.
4.9.3 Checks
Depending on the grading nile used,
a) measure the length uid/or the width or 11w rectangle that encloses (1w portion where they occur, expressed in millimetres or as a percentage of the length and/or WRtIjI of the surface (face or edge) being considered; or
b) record their presence.
4.10 Warp
4.10.1 Row and spring
MeLS1H1 (1w niaxiiniiiii (hStoIliOfl from the straight:
a) for pieces up to a length of 2 in, applying a straight edge, expressing the result in millimetres;
b) for pieces longer than 2 in, over a 2 in length, using a 2 in long rigid straight edge applied against the piece synunetricaliy at the point of maximum (llStOrtIOfl, visually estiniated. Express the resuh in millimetres per 2 in (see (Inudnsion w in figure 16 and dimension .r in figure 17).EN 1310-1997 pdf download.
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