EN 12312-15-2017 pdf download

08-02-2021 comment

EN 12312-15-2017 pdf download.Aircraft ground support equipment – Specific requirements – Part 15: Baggage and equipment tractors.
The following information shall be determined by the manufacturer through consultation with the user:
a) overall dimensions;
b) speeds;
c) rated drawbar pull (towing capacity);
d) drawbar interface heights;
e) maximum-braked train mass.
5.1.4 Internal combustion engine powered baggage and equipment tractors using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) shall be in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO 3691-1.
5.2 Driver’s accommodation
5.2.1 Baggage and equipment tractors shall be equipped with seated driver accommodation.
5.2.2 The operator’s seat shall be so located that the operator has sulficient room while operating the baggage or equipment tractor so as to remain within the plan view outline of the tractor. The dimensions shall be of suitable and ergonomic shape to accommodate at least a 5th percentile to a 95th percentile of the population, as shown in EN ISO 3411:2007, Figures 1 to 3, within the plan view outline of the truck The seat shall not extend beyond the plan view outline of the tractor.
5.2.3 Provision shall be made for the storage of operating instructions in the vicinity of the driver’s accommodation. This shall not obstruct the driver’s usual field of operation and view nor constitute a dangerous obstacle in case of a frontal shock.
5.2.4 In addition to seat belts (see 5.4.6), lateral restraint systems shall be provided on each side exposed to a risk of tipping over. Such means shall not unduly restrict the operation of the tractor, e.g. the driver’s access, egress, movement, and/or visibility (see Annex 0 for recommendations). The lateral restraint system shall:
a) be designed so that the driver’s shoulders are right under the top level of the frame of the protection, whatever the adjustment of the seat;
b) be latched in the protective position;
c) prevent the whole body of the operator passing through the lateral opening;
d) withstand a horizontal effort of 450 daN applied at the most unfavourable point without unlatching.
5.2.5 An access gate fixed on both ends or a fully enclosed cabin with doors, both complying with the requirements of 5.2.4 are considered as a restraint system.
5.2.6 Warnings on the use of lateral restraint systems shall be provided and visible in the tractor. Actions to be taken to reduce the risk of a tip-over shall be described in the instruction manual, see 6.3.
5.2.7 When the restraint system function is achieved with a door (closed cabin), a gate, or with movable part(s), it shall not be possible to drive the tractor, or to drive it at a speed higher than 6 km/h, if the restraint system is not secured. The related interlocking systems shall achieve Performance Level bN according to EN ISO 13849-1:20 15.
5.3 Driver’s cabin
5.3.1 For fully enclosed cabins, in addition to the requirements in EN 1915-1:2013. 5.3.1, the rear windscreen shall have at least one power-operated wiper.
A rear windscreen washing unit should be provided if agreed between manufacturer and user.
5.3.2 A fully enclosed cabin shall have at least one door conforming to the requirements of EN ISO 2867, plus an emergency exit conforming to the requirements of EN ISO 2860, allowing escape in another direction, which may be a window. It shall be positioned as far as possible away from the normal exit.
5.3.3 The air intake of a heater/de-mister for a fully enclosed cabin shall be connected to a fresh air inlet. The position of the air intake shall prevent the intake of emissions, e.g. exhaust gas or electrolytic gas.
5.4 Seats
5.4.1 Baggage and equipment tractors shall be equipped with an adjustable seat for the driver in order to minimize fatigue during the intended work period, see also EN 1915-1:2013, 5.2.1.
5.4.2 Seat mountings shall withstand the forces which may occur during operation, e.g. braking or coupling forces, minor collisions with trailers/dollies.
5.4.3 It shall be possible to adjust the driver’s seat without using tools.
5.4.4 Where a weight adjustable suspension seat is fitted, the adjustment shall cater for a weight range of at least 55 kg to 110 kg. The correct adjustment of the seat to the driver’s weight shall be easily performed and clearly visible for the seated driver, e.g. a weight scale, an index or an automatic means (pneumatic seat).EN 12312-15-2017 pdf download.

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