EN 1164-1998 pdf download.Feather and down – Test methods – Determination of the turbidity of an aqueous extract.
This European Slandard incogxiraks by 1aied or Im(Iatcd reference, provisions from other l)tll)1)CatiOfls. Thcse nonnahive references are cited at the approj)flatc l)hiceS in the text and the publicahons are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendmenti to or revisions of any of these
1JUhi1(111oItS aI)PIY to tins European Standard only when incorporated in it by anwndment or revision. For IIfl(lated n’fen’nces the 1ate4 edition of the [fliblicatiOJl refemd to apl)hcs.
EN 20139, Thrtilw’s — Slaudaid atnuA1en°sJr condifioninq and testing.
(ISO 139d9T.3)
EN 20187, Puper, boarrt and p.dps — StanikIiTl atmosphere for cowl it km lug and testing and ivc’du iv for inomlonug the atn&uspherr and conditioning of sa a. pies.
(ISO I87:1ilO)
EN ISo 36[1, l4,frrfiw ana1qtüd In?xmilory u.sr — S;.erjficalio’u arid test methods.
(150 :Ui96 1957)
3 Deftmtwris
For the live of this standard the following definition applies.
3.1 turbidity
reduction of transparency of the filtrate su.speusion caused by the presence of imdissolved and diss ilved matter
4 Principle
A lest spccinw’n having a specified mass is mixed in water in the ratio 1:100 and correctly shaken. After filtr.ition, the aqueous extract Is gradually transferred Ilito a graduated cylinder, on the bottom of which is a cross of specified dirnensions and the height of the suspension shall be determined when the cns is no longer visible.
Go on filling the graduated cylinder for 20 mm at least and then let the aqueous extract gradually flow down. recording the lwighl when Ihe rfljes is visible again. The turbidity is given by the mean height of the detennmalion during upward and downward phases.
7.1.1 A gmdwiled tmnspaii’nt cylinder, higher than 300 mm and ftxm 30 mm to 35 mm in diameter, iwluated in I nun (lIvLsiofl.s. 11w cylinder is equipped With a pipe allowing the liquid to go in and out of the measuring device.
On the fiat bottom of the cylinder Is fixed a disc of plastic material on which arc two double black lines (I ± 0,02) mm apart, as long as the cylinder diameter, fast to light and resistant to water, and of width (0,5 ± 0,02) nun and another two double black lines, with the same dimensions, perpendicular to the first ones.
The cylinder is placed on top of a white suriiice.
7.1.2 A cvnlainer, capacity 1 000 ml, mounted on a lifter acting in a conununicative vecl system. connected to the turt)idity nieer by a flexible tube connected to 11w pipe (see 7.1.1).
NOTE The contr1 ol the wu double blwk hnr% and the white malerlal hoWd be aea,cd for clarity.
7.2 .4msiyticnI bal(Incr, accurate to at least 10 mug.
7.3 Thmbkr.frir, capacity2000mL
7.4 Th’nkr’,; capacity 2 000 nil.
7.5 Shakiuq ,,utchinu. with 150 shakes per minute and with shaking swing of 40 nun or tiuuhling nuwhine with 150 mm 1
7.6 Sinfrm’l (frilfrd) filTh; pore size index P 160
10 cm diameter (see ISO 471X)).
7.7 Lighl soun north sky light or an equivalent SOIU(e of tlluiiittiition of about at least 601) lx
7.8 Lux meter, giving an indication of the room light.
8 Procedure
8.1 Place the conditioned test specimen of a
representative lart of the laboratory bulk sample
(see prEN 1883) with a mass of (10±0.1) g in the
(tunbier jar, containing 1 000 nil of water (see clause 5).
The jar is tumbled at room temperature for (60 ± 5) miii.
8.2 Without wringing the excess water from the test specimen, filter the suspension through the sintered filter (7.6) and put the rilirdle Into the beaker (7.4).
8.3 Before starting the test cheek that the container Is in the low I)0SitilL
8.4 Pour the liquid into the container.
8,5 Gradually lifi III) (lie (‘O1itUfl(’f SO that the liquid flows Into the graduated cylindet
8.6 Observe front the top through the liquid, by normal vision or vision comcted to nonual, the height of the filtrate as soon as the cruss Is no longer visible by the operator and record the height on the graduated cylinder in millimetres as 11.
8.7 Raise the container at least another 20 nun.
8.8 Gradually lower the container in such a way that the liquid flows out of the gnuluated cylinder.
8.9 Observe the height of the minite as soon as the cross is visible again by the operator and record the height on the graduated cylinder in niillinietres as 112.
8.10 Con ipare 11 and 112. LI 11 and 112 differ by more thati 10 nun repeat the procedure from 8.4. If the difference persists, change the operator. If it cannot be cured, note 11w individual values in the test repolt
8.11 Register the mean value of il and 112.
8.12 Repeat the lest on at least one other test Sl)((iflW1L The I)flWtslUrc (k!SCiilWd front 8.2 to 8.12 shall be repeated by another operator.EN 1164-1998 pdf download.
EN 1164-1998 pdf download
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