EN 10111-2008 pdf download.Continuously hot rolled low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold forming – Technical delivery conditions.
4.2.1 The steel names are in compance with EN 10027.1; the steel numbers, with EN 10027-2.
4.22 Products conforming to this European Standard shal be designated. in order, an the following way:
a) product designation (e.g stnp. ‘sheet or s1E1 strip cut king.tudinaly) r lene with EN 10079;
b) number of this European Standard (EN 101l1)
C) symbokc or numerical designation of the steel (see Table 1).
EXAMPLE Strip EN 10111-0013
Strip EN 10111— 1.0335
5 Requirements
5.1 Steelmaklng and manufacturing processes
Unless otherwise agreed at the tin’ie of enquiry and order, the steelmaking and manufacturing processes are left to the discretion of the manufacturer.
The purchaser shall be informed of these processes if he specifies it
5.2 Deoxldation
For grade DOl I the method of deoxidation shall be at the manufacturers discretion Grades 0012.0013 and
0014 shall be ftily ked.
5.3 Chemical composition
Table I gives the permissible chemical composition lwnits in the cast.
5.4 Deilvery conditions
5.4.1 Th. products shal usueey be delivered with their sisface as rolled. By agreement at the time of enquiry and order, the products may be delivered with descaled surface When they are delivered as rolled, they are covered with a thin layer of scale of variable coloration
The products may be suppled with a hit skin-pass, either at the manufacturers discretion or by agreement at the time of enquwy and order.
5.42 The descaled products we usually delrered oiled. In this case, both surlaces we preserved by a layer of neutral non-drying oil, free of mipuflties. and uniformly spread In such a way that under normal conditions of packaging. transportation. handhng and storage the products will show no corrosion for up to ttvee months train the date on which the products are made available. The date of availability shall be notified to the purchaser with reasonable prior notice compatible with the validity of corrosion resistance
The layer of of shall be capable of being removed by alkaline solutions or usual solvents
The choice of protective oils may be subect to special agreement at the time of enquiry and order.
If the conditions of transportation or storage are such that special protection against corrosion is required. the purchaser shel Inform the manufacturer at the time of enquiry and order, If the purchaser does not require the surfaces to be oiled, this shall be clearly indicated at the time of enquiry and order.
NOTE If die aider is lor unolled products, the manufacturer is not responsible tar the risk of rrosaon The purchaser is also advised that there Is a greater flak of the apprance of light saatchas duflng handling. tranaportabon and putting wib applicabon
5.4.3 Descaled products may be supied with trimmed edges upon agreement at the time of enquiry arid order (desigiatlon GK following EN 10051).
5.5 Mechanical prop.rtles
Table I gives the basic mechamcal properties valid for the four grades.
They correspond to the increasing farrnabihty in the order DOl 1 to D014
The characteristics indicated in Table 1 are valid for the period specified In the same Table 1, from the date on which the products are made available
The dale of availability shall be notified to the purchaser with reasonable prior notice compatible with the validity of the niechenical properties
Subect to speoal agreement, the products may be supplied with special suitability for the production of a specific part In this case, a maxinuin reectlon percentage may be set by mutual agreement and aaeptance on the basis of mechanical properties does not apply.
5.6 Surface characteristics
The sheets shall be free of slivers, blow holes, seams, cracks or scratches whidi would adversely affect their use.
Pores, sma ts. small marks, small saatches. kinks from pay-off reels and a slight coloration are permitted.
The defects shall not be of such an extent that they miit run the risk of causing fallure or damage to toolIng or welding dlffici.dtbes when In use
The surface quality of the unwound cod Is assessed as for sheets However, the percentage of surface detects is generally greater than when supplied In sheets The maximum percentage of permissible reectbons shau be fixed by special agreement at the time of enquiry and order
5.7 Suitability for surfac, coating
The products may be intended for metallic coating by the hot dipping or electrodeposrtion and/or organic or other coatings. When such a coating Is required. ii shall be specified at the txne of enquiry and order
EN 10111:2008 (E)
5.8 Weldabllity
The products are suitable for standard welding pmcesses However, the welding process and possible specific requirements of the resulting welded component should be specified at the time of enquiry and order, eg. gas welding. structural safety requirements.
For non-descaled products, the welding process shall take into account the presence of a layer of scale
5.9 Tolerances on dimensIons and shape
The tolerances on dimensions and shape are given in EN 10051.EN 10111-2008 pdf download.
EN 10111-2008 pdf download
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