EN 10045-1-1990 pdf download

07-21-2021 comment

EN 10045-1-1990 pdf download.Charpy impact test on metallic materials Part 1 . Test method ( V-and U-notches).
1.1 This Part of this EN 10045-1 describes the Charpy impact test (U and V-notch) for metalhc materials. For certain particular metallic materials and applications. the Charpy impact test may be the subject of specific standards and particular requirements.
2 References
iSO 286-1-1988 ISO system of limits and fits — Part 1:
General, tolerances and deviations
EN 10 045-2’ Metallic materials — Ch.arpy impact test — Part 2 Verification of pendulum impact testing machines
3 Principle
The test consists of breaking by one blow from a swinging pendulum, under conditions defined hereafter, a test piece notched in the middle and supported at each end. The energy absorbed is determined in joules. This absorbed energy is a measure of the impact strength of the material.
4 Designations
The designations applicable to this standard are as indicated in table I and figures 1 and 2.
5 Test pieces
5.1 Sampling, number of test pieces and their location
shall be as specified in the relevant product standard.
5.2 The standard test piece shall be 55 mm long and of
square section with 10 mm sides. In the centre of the
length, there shall be a notch. Two types of notch are
(a) Vnotch of 450 2 mm deep with a 0.25 mm radius of curvature at base of notch.
If standard test pieces cannot be obtained from the material, a reduced section test piece, with a width of 7,5 mm or 5 mm (see table 2) shall be used, the notch being cut in one of the narrow faces.
(b) U-notch or keyhole notch. 5 mm deep, with a 1 mm radius of curvature at base of notch.
The test pieces shall be machined all over, except in the case of precision cast foundry test pieces in which the two faces parallel to the plane of symmetry of th. notch can be unmachined.
5.3 The plane of symmetry of the notch shall be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the test piece.
5.4 The tolerances on the specified dimensions of the test piece shall be as given in table 2.
5.5 Test pieces of widths other than those shown in table 2. for example, with the unmachined widths equal to the thickness of the product, may be used provided this is permitted in the relevant product standard. Comparison of results, however, is only of significance when made between test pices of the seme form and dimensions.
5.6 Machining shall be carried out in such a way that any alteration of the test piece, for example due to cold working or heating, is minimized. The notch shall be carefully prepared so that no grooves, parallel to the base of the notch, are visible to the naked eye.
The test piece may be marked on any face not in contct with the supports or anvils and at a point at least 5 mm from the notch to avoid the effects of cold working due to marking.
6 Testing machine
6,1 The testing machine shall be constructed and installed rigidly and shall be in accordance with European Standard 10 045-2.
The values of the principal characteristics of the testing machine are specified In table 3.
6.2 Standard test conditions shall correspond to a nominal machine energy of 300 ± 10 J and the use of a test piece of standard dimensions. The reported absorbed energy under these conditions shall be designated by the symbols:
— KU for a Unotch test piece
— KV for a V•notch test piece for example:
— KV • 121 J denotes:
— nominal energy 300 J
— standard V.notch test piece
— energy absorbed during fracture:121 J
6.3 Testing machines with different striking energies are permitted, in which case the symbol KU or KV shall be supplemented by an index denoting the energy of the testing machine:
for example:
KV 150 : available energy 150 J
KU 100: available energy 100 J
— KU 100—65 J denotes:
— nominal energy 100J
— standard U.notch test piece
— energy absorbed during fracture : 65 J.EN 10045-1-1990 pdf download.

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