DD IEC PAS 62500:2006 pdf download

12-31-2022 comment

DD IEC PAS 62500:2006 pdf download Process management for avionics — Guide for defining and performing highly accelerated tests in avionic systems
Scope and object
in an increasingly harsh economic context (tighter performance requirements.shorterdevelopment cycles, reduced cost of ownership, etc.), it is essential to ensure productmaturity rapidly and, in any case, by the time of commissioning.
it is with a view to remedying shortcomings in traditional development methods that “highlyaccelerated” tests have been developed. The main underlying principle behind this new typeof test strategy is as follows: rather than reasoning in terms of conformity with a specificationand simply performing conventional tests, we on the contrary attempt to push the product toits limits by applying environmental stresses and/or stimuli of levels higher than thespecification. The aim is thus to take full advantage of current technologies, by eliminatinodefects which generate potential failures, as of the first prototypes.
A well-conducted accelerated test process should, in a relatively short time. lead to asignificant increase in the robustness of a product, as early as the initial prototypes stage atthe beginning of the development phase, thus accelerating early maturity of this productFurthermore, identification of the margins available on a “mature” product helps design ancsize its future environmenta stress screening profile more accurately, by increasing theseverity of the loadings applied to just what is needed, leading to a particularly significantboost in the efficiency of this environmental stress screening process.
The object of this PAS 1) is to specify the targets assigned to the highly accelerated teststheir basic principle, their scope of application and their implementation procedures.
This quide is thus a methodological document aimed at facilitating drafting of the specificationand then performance of highly accelerated tests by the programme managers.
it is primarily intended for programme managers, designers, test managers, and RAMSexperts.
This guide concerns all programmes, in particular aeronautical, space and armamentsprogrammes. lt primarily concerns the industrial firms in charge of designing, developing andproducing components built for these programmes, but also their customers who, in draftingcontractual clauses, may require that their suppliers implement highly accelerated tests.
The recommendation applies to all types of equipment used in systems developed in theseprogrammes, whatever their nature (electronic, electromechanical, mechanical, electro.hydraulic,electro-pneumatic, etc.) and whatever their size, from “low-level” subassembliesPCBs, mechanical assemblies, connectors, etc.), up to components or component groups.
NOTE Presently, there are no documentary standards for highly accelerated tests. This recommendation thusrelies on a number of documents which are not standards, which are of various origins and which are usually veryrecent, as well as on other more standard documents, but not specifically dedicated to highly accelerated tests.
Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply
NOTE Most of the terminology used in this recommendation conforms to that used in Recommendation RG.Aero000 27. For the other terms, it relies on those used in other documents, such as ET 99.04 (see Bibliography).
2.1 step stressinggradual step-wise increase in the level of stress applied to a product
2.2 hard failurefailure which does not disappear on returning to a lower stress level and which can only beeliminated by repair
2.3 soft failurefailure appearing after a certain given stress level, which disappears when the stress fallsback below this level
2.4 chargeable defectfault or weakness inherent in the design of a product or its manufacturing processes and theelimination of which, presumed to be economically feasible, leads to an improvement in itsoperating and/or destruction margins
NOTE This type of defect,which is always the result of a deviation from standard best practices, is not by definitionrelated to the resistance limit imposed by the technologies used.
2.5 latent defect
defect which originally exists in the equipment but has not vet been precipitated and is thusas yet undetectable by conventional performance checks on this equipment
2.6 patent defectdefect in a component which, after being precipitated, has become detectable by conventionaperformance checks.A patent defect thus stems from a latent defect which has evolvedfollowing application of appropriate stresses (for example, temperature, vibrations, etc.) andwhich thus becomes detectable by a performance check.

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