DD IEC PAS 61162-102:2003 pdf download

12-31-2022 comment

DD IEC PAS 61162-102:2003 pdf download M aritime navi gation and radi ocommuni cati on equipment and systems – Di gital interfaces – Part 102: Single talker and multiple listeners – Extra requirements to IEC 61162-1 for the Voyage Data Recorder
The IEC 61162-1 standard includes 4 sentence formatters for handling alarm and transducerstatus data. These were originally developed to handle the data required by navigation andradiocommunications equipment and multiple alarm systems were not envisaged.
The introduction of the Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) has necessitated the interfacing toengine, cargo and deck monitoring systems. ln particular the interface to multi-point fire alarmsystems presents problems due to the large number of sensors and the need to identifyspecific sources of incoming messages.
The lEC 61162-102 is the specified interface to the VDR and to permit identification of data aseries of specific sentences has been developed.
Whilst the facilities included in the lEC 61162-4 series may be utilised to handle the mostcomplex systems, these are not in general use, and probably unlikely on smaller vessels, TheVDR has to be applied with immediate effect to a range of vessels and there does not appearto be any alternative standard available to meet the requirement.
NOTE This document defines sentences and parameters useful for the VDR and associated systems. Thesentences and parameters extend in some cases beyond the minimum requirement for the VDR.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this documentFor dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
The references contained in lEC 61162-1 apply to this PAS. In addition the following apply :
EC 61996:2000(E) Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems -Shipborne voyage data recorders (VDR) – Performance requirements – Methods of testingand required test results
IMO A.830(19) Code on Alarms and Indicators,1995
IMO SOLAS Convention,Chapter V,(2002)
IMO HSC Code, Chapter 13.
IMO A.861 (20):1997, Performance standards for shipborne voyage data recorders (VDRs)
3.1alarmdenotes a condition that has to be recognised, or acted upon immediately, e.g. depthminimum limit exceeded, anchor deep
usually denotes a failure, or warning of deterioration in a system, e.g. engine sensormalfunction
3.3eventis used to log a condition that has occurred and /or [track the operation of some conditionj.Events are [normally] defined, e.g. transfer of control to the bridge
is a technical problem in one of the system components that will reduce the availability, orfuture availability. of some or all functions
3.5warningis similar to ALARM but need not be acted upon immediately
4 Data requirements of the VDR (from IMO A.861)
Date and time
Ship’s position
Bridge Audio
Communications audio
Radar data.post-display selection
Main alarms
Rudder order and response
Engine order and response
Hull openings status
Watertight and fire door status
Accelerations and hull stresses
Wind speed and direction

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