1.2.16 A manual purge or release valve shall be inaccessible to the public, and shail be protected by a locking mechanism or permanent enclosure.
1.2.17 The dispensing system shall incorporate immediate shutdown protection in the event of a rupture or rapid depressurization of the fuel delivery hose during active heling. (See 2.7).
1.2.18 A mnser shall requhe a minimurn of two operations to initiate gas flow to the vehicle. One operation shall be to secure the nozzle to the vehicle receptacle, another operation shall consist of a manual operation at the dispenser to enable fuel flow. The controls for manual start up of the dispenser shall be located or orienîatd so there is no possibility of accidental actuation. Switches, valves, etc., that can be activated with the power off and that can cause the system to íùnction as soon as the power is restored shall not be used.
1.2.19 A dispenser shall be protected against lightning strikes in accordance with American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice RP 2003, Pmtectìun Against Ignitions Anking Our of Static, Lighinutg, and Stray Currents.
1.3.1 The construction of the housing, where provided, shall be such that it will not become warped, bent, loosened, or othewise damaged in normal operation so as to prevent the device from complying with these requirements. A recess or depression in the housing that may collect water shall contain means to drain the water to an area which will not cause an unsafe condition.
1.3.2 The construction of housings not specifically covered by this requirement shall be in accordance with reasonable concepts of sdety, substantiaíity, and dumbiiity. Ail specifications as to construction set forth herein may be satisfied by the consûuction actually prescribed or such construction as will provide at least equivalent orm man ce.
1.3.3 The housing shaU afîord space for making field connections of gas-carrying piping and elecûical equipment. Openings with acceptable closures shall be provided for making connections and for inspection and adjustment of the operating mechanism after installation. Closures shall require a key or tool to open.
1.3.4 Housings which enclose gas carrying mmpnents shall incorporate vent opening(s) near the top, totalling an area of not less than 8 cm2 (11/4 in?) to prevent the accumulation of gas. These openings shall be of such size and arrangement as to avoid clogging.
1.3.5 A plastic panel used as part of the housing shall remain intact when subjected to room temperature and cold impact tests as described in section 2.4 IMFACT. Except as otherwise stated, testhg at mom tempexatme will be conducted between 15°C (59OF) minimum and 30°C (86°F) maximum.
CSA ANSI NGV 4.1-1999 pdf download
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