BS ISO PAS 17984:2001 pdf download

12-31-2022 comment

BS ISO PAS 17984:2001 pdf download Machine-made textile floor coverings — Determination of dimensional changes after exposure to heat and/or water
This Publicly Available Specification specifies procedures for the determination of both planar and out-of-planedimensional changes that take place when machine-made textile floor coverings are subjected to heat, water orvaried heat and water conditions.
The following methods are applicable to all machine-made textile floor coverings including those produced in tileform.
Method 1: Determination of dimensional changes after exposure to heat.
Method 2: Determination of dimensional changes after immersion in water.
Method 3: Determination of dimensional changes due to the effects of varied heat and water conditions
Method 4: Dimensional changes out of the plane.
2 Normative references
The folowing normative documents contain provisions which, through reterence in this text, constitute provisions ofthis Publicly Available Specification. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any ofthese publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this Publicly Available Specification areencouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicatedbelow. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISOand IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 139, Textiles 一 Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing.
ISO 1957, Machine-made textile floor coverings — Selection and cutting of specimens for physical tests.
ISO 2424,Textile floor coverings – Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Publicly Available Specification, the terms and definitions given in ISO 2424 apply.
4 Principle
Comparison is made between either planar or out-of-plane dimensions of a test specimen after conditioning in thestandard atmosphere for testing textiles and after being subjected to either heat, water or specified varied heat andwater conditions.
5.1Methods 1 2 and 3
51.1Instrument capable of measuring length to the nearest 0,1 mm, e.g. an optical bench or mechanicaldevice with gauge.
5.1.2Plate glass sheet, marginally smaller than the test specimen, or other means of keeping the specimen flatwhile measurements are made. This wll not be required if the instrument in 5.1.1 incorporates such a glass ormetal plate.
5.1.3 Steel pins or other appropriate means of indicating the reference points on the test specimen.
if necessary.
NOTEA suitable piece of equipment incorporating 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.3 is given in annex A.
5.2Methods 1 and 3
Ventilated drying oven, capable of being controlled at 60 C +2 °C, with perforated and lacquered5.2.1shelves that can be placed in the oven.
5.2.2Desiccator or similar apparatus, for maintaining specimens in a dry condition.
5.3Methods 2 and 3
5.3.1 Container, for holding water at 20 C 2 C, with dimensions at least 20 mm greater than the testspecimen and deep enough to accommodate the submerged test specimen.
5.3.2Rigid perforated tray, of a sufficient size to carry the test specimen
5.3.3Efficient wetting agent, e.g., sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate, or dodecylbenzene sodium sulfonate.
5.3.4Means of ensuring a forced draught of ambient air, if required
5.4 Method 4 (if used in conjunction with methods 1, 2 or 3)
5.4.1Gauge or instrument, capable of measuring in the vertical dimension, to an accuracy of 0,5 mm.
6Sampling and selection of test specimens
6.1 Sampling
Select the specimens in accordance with ISO 1957
6.2 Number and dimensions of test specimens
Take at least three test specimens each measuring not less than 450 mm x 450 mm, noting the direction ofmanufac讯陆岌无刽导段椽阿参遭荫铲e.

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