BS/EN 9300-115-2018 pdf download.Aerospace series – LOTAR – LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product documentation such as 3D, CAD and PDM data Part 115: Explicit CAD assembly structure.
— the assembly structure nodes;
— the assembly relationship composed by parent I child links and the geometrical transformation for each occurrence;
— the file references;
— the attributes of the nodes.
For full archiving, the geometric validation properties can be used to validate the CAD assembly when the 3D models are available. The geometric validation properties for the assembly structure are described in 9.2.1 Geometric validation properties for assembly structure.
In the case of full archiving where the 3D models are not available or in the case of incremental archiving, the Geometric Validation Properties based on the 3D model cannot be computed. The assembly validation properties must be computed using the assembly information. These assembly validation properties ensure the validation of the CAD assembly structure independently of the content of the external referenced files. The description of these validation properties is described in the
9.2.2 Assembly Validation Properties.
In any case the validation properties (VP) must be computed in the source system with the native file.
This VP must be written in the Archival Information Package (AlP), either In the STEP file or in the
Preservation Description Information.
Ingestion Validation: During ingest and after any conversion to STEP, the validation properties can be checked in order to ensure that the STEP file is valid. Ideally the VP are computed directly from the STEP file and compared with the VP come from the source data. II the deviation is under the predefined threshold, the source and archive (STEP) files are considered as equivalent.
End-to-end validation: After retrieval and conversion to the target system, the VP must be computed from the imported data by the target system. This VP should be compared with the VP written to the AlP. lithe deviation is under the predefined threshold, the original and the import file can be considered as equivalent.
— For the case of full archiving with the geometry, the GVP volume and center of gravity are mandatory for each product (valprops I);
— For the case of full archiving without the geometry or for the case of incremental archiving, the assemblyvalidationproperty’numberofchildren”andnotionalsolidscentroidaremandatory.
— EN 9300 1 15-lngest-Validation-level-2: For the case of full archiving with the geometry, according to the level 1 criteria, the GVP volume and center of gravity are mandatory for each product and in addition, the GVP for each node’s occurrence (valprops II) should be used. Identification of the validation level
The validation level shall be clearly identified in the Archival Information Package. It should be written in the preservation description information (PDI).
The identification must include:
— the validation level identifier, in order to record which type of validation properties have been used. For example, EN 9300-11 5-lngest-Validation-level-0;
— the status of the validation level: this can be, ‘error”, warning or “OK”. This status is a global status for the various validation properties;
— the thresholds used to check for validity. The thresholds of these VP should be defined by each company, according to Its specific products and processes.
9.3.2 Validation level at retrieval Validation level identifier
The different validation levels correspond to the type of validation properties used during the
data retrieval. The different validation level identifiers are:
— EN 9300-11 5-Retrieve-Validation-level-C: No validation property;
— EN 9300-115-Retrieve-Validation-level-i:
— For the case of full archiving with the geometry, the GVP volume and center of gravity are mandatory for each product;
— For the case of full archiving without the geometry or for the case of incremental archiving, the assemblyvalidationproperty’numberofchildren”and”notionalsolidscentroid”aremandatory;
This level is the usual level of validation.BS/EN 9300-115-2018 pdf download.
BS/EN 9300-115-2018 pdf download
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