BS/EN 413-2-2016 pdf download

07-29-2021 comment

BS/EN 413-2-2016 pdf download.Masonry cement Part 2 : Test methods.
The setting time is determined by observing the penetration of a needle into a cement paste of
standard consistence until it reaches a specified value.
The setting time is determined in accordance with either method A (4.2) or method B (4.3).
Method B is the reference method.
4.2 Method A
The setting time is determined in accordance with EN 196-3.
NOTE Experience has shown that the method specified in EN 196—3, in which the specimens are tested under water, is not suitable for some masonry cements which have low clinker contents.
4.3 Method B
4.3.1 Test principle
The equipment used and the specimen preparation procedures are as described in EN 196-3 but with the additional requirement for a room or a humidity cabinet of adequate size and maintained at (20 ± 1) °C and not less than 90 % relative humidity.
4.3.2 InItial setting time procedure
Calibrate the Vicat apparatus with the needle, attached In advance of the test, by lowering the
needle to rest on the base-plate to be used and adjusting the pointer to read zero on the scale.
Raise the needle to the stand-by position. Fill a Vicat mould in accordance with
EN 196-3:2005+A1:2008, 5.2,2 with paste of standard consistence mixed in accordance with
EN 196-3:2005+A1:2008, 5.2.1
Place the filled mould and base-plate in the room or humidity cabinet and after a suitable time, position the mould and base-plate under the needle of the Vicat apparatus. Lower the needle gently until it is in contact with the paste. Pause in that position for between 1 s and 2 s in order to avoid initial velocity or forced acceleration of the moving parts. Then release the moving parts quickly and allow the needle to penetrate vertically into the paste. Read the scale when penetration has ceased, or 30 s after the release of the needle, whichever is the earlier.
Record the scale reading, which indicates the distance between the end of the needle and the base-plate, together with the time from zero. Repeat the penetration on the same specimen at conveniently spaced positions, not less than 8 mm from the rim of the mould or 5mm from each other and at least 10 mm from the last penetration position, at conveniently spaced intervals of time, e.g. at 10 mm intervals. Between penetrations keep the specimen in a room or humidity cabinet. Clean the Vicat needle immediately after each penetration. Retain the specimen if determination of the final setting time is to be made.
Report the elapsed time measured from zero to that at which the needle first penetrates only
0,5 mm into the specimen as the final setting time of the cement, to the nearest 15 mm.
4.3.6 Repeatability and reproducibility
The standard deviation of repeatability is 4 mm for initial setting time and 7 mm for final setting time.
The standard deviation of reproducibility is 20 mm for initial setting time and 24 mm for final setting time.
These precision data take into account uncertainty of measurement.
5 Preparation of standard mortar
5.1 Principle
The properties of fresh mortar made with masonry cement are assessed on standard mortar prepared in accordance with EN 196-1, but with the water content necessary for the standard consistence.
The consistence is measured using the plunger apparatus (see 5.2) as the reference method to achieve the required value of penetration.
A flow table test (see 5.3) is allowed as an alternative to the plunger test but It is important that the flow table spread equivalent to the required value of penetration is established, using the same type of masonry cement as that which shall be tested.
5.2 Consistence of fresh mortar by plunger apparatus (reference method)
5.2.1 Apparatus
The mixer and ancillary equipment shall be as described in EN 196-1.
The plunger apparatus shown In Figure 1 shall conform to the dimensions specified.
The shape of the baseplate (1) shall enable the mortar container (8) to be placed centrally below the plunger (7). The plunger shall have a hemispherical lower end, be resistant to corrosion and not attacked by mortar. The total mass of the rod (6) and plunger (7) shall be (90 ± 2) g. A release mechanism (5) holds the measuring rod in its initial position so that the lower end of the plunger Is (100 ± 0,5) mm above the mortar surface prior to commencing the test (the initial position in 5.2.2).
The tamper (see Figure 2) shall consist of a round rod made of impermeable material with sheet metal protection and shall weigh (250 ± 15) g.BS/EN 413-2-2016 pdf download.

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