BS/EN 288-2-1992 pdf download

07-21-2021 comment

BS/EN 288-2-1992 pdf download.Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials
Part 2. Welding procedure specitication for arc welding.
4.4.4 Groor’ or edqe preparation
— Groove cicanuig. detreasing. jigging mid I;uk wdiiig.
— The flWIIBNLS 10 he used,
4.4.5 4lding technique
– No 4e4VU
– Weaving:
a) For manual welding niax. width of the run. h,) For mechanized welding rna’. weaving or
aJuphn)de, frequency and dwcU Wuc of oscillantn.
— Torch. electrode anct’or ire angle.
4.4.6 Back gouging
The method to be used.
4.4.7 Backing
— The method and type of hacking. material and
— For gas hacking apply 4.5.3 to 4.5.5
4.4.8 3lrlthi.g,mibk, deseMuutw,,
– I)csignation. nuniifaenirer arid trade name.
4.4.9 31clding ronsumabte, dim rnsions
— [)iarneter of elecuude’ ire or w idth amid t1U(’kfleSS of strip clccrrcxl&’.
4.4.10 HIler metal and flux, handling
— If a filler metal or flux is to be dried or treated before use. thLS shall hr specitied U’4erpn’p u
ri ipiiate Lu HlaJd s JCt1 I LI 11(1
1.1.11 I.kctrwal para?nctcrs
Tpe of current AC or L)C) and polant).
— Pulse weIcIing Pulse lute, pulse current. pLILs4 frequency. background current and background voltage to he specified
— (‘tirreni r4nge.
Arc voltage ruzige.
4.4.12 .I1erhinE:wrI irIding
— TaveI spc.d range.
Wirt’ feed speed’.
NOTE. Aipwd to 1.1.11 aid 1.4.12 t <h qicnt 1s nc pnnit control of niw ot t1r,e vanahhc, tile rna’hin. sP(LIn$s chall be cpecified inctviut lhe range of appication for the WPS ha1l then be hnutcd to cuipment ol that i.utiuutu Lypv.
4.4.1:3 Preheat temperature
The nominal temperature applied at the start of the welding process.
— If pre-healing is not required the lowest work piece temperanire irntiiedateIy pnor to weldu ig.
4.4.14 1,.terpass temperature
Maxunuit ulterpass rernpr4t1Ire.
4.4.15 Post-weld heat-treatment
— For uty posl.wrld h,at-treatmeia. or ageing. the i,wvtiIiiie or n—frreiice in he made to a separate eW heat -treatiiwnt or ageing specification.
4.4.16 Shielding gas
[)esignation In accordance with EN 4). nuumfacturer ;aiid lr;ul, ii:iiiw
4.5 Specific to a group of welding proeces
4.. I Process group Ii (metal-arc irelding without gas protection)
For proce !H the run-nt:t !cgth of Iectrode
4.5.2 Process group U (submerged arc welding)
— For multiple electrode systems the niimher and fLflLfIgillatiOiI of ‘% ire electrodes a1141 (eV1rlcal (UIUUI(’(IJOftS.
— Iiistance contact tube/work puree the IISLUWe
from contact tap nozzle to the surface of the
workpiece tor nwchani7ed welding.
— Flux: (ksigIIation. niaiiufacturer and trade nwne. Mditional Idler metal.
4.5.3 Process group 13 (‘gas-shielded metal arc u’eld(nq)
— (‘as how ra1 and nozzle
— NLUH1Wr of wire elirn4Jes.
Ahlitioxwi filler metal.
– t)i.staiwe c intact I ubeiw irk piece the distance from contaet tIJ) no&de to the surface of the work-piece for mecham7.ed welding
4.5.4 Proce.s.s group 14 (ga.-stuielded u’etding with ,w,,-consun,able electrode)
For tiiiigsten electrode, [tie diameter, and ksignation in accordance with EN
— Gas flow rate and nozile diuiu4*r.
4.5.5 Pruce urouv 15 (plasma arc welding) I’bsrni gi r,etr e.g. type. nozz!e diameter.
IThW raw.
— Sluelchng gas flow raw and noih’ diirneier
– Tp& of torch.
— Iqasiiia (IIIT(’flt.
— L tance (‘()flt4i tube/work piece.BS/EN 288-2-1992 pdf download.

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