BS/EN 15254-4-2018 pdf download

07-24-2021 comment

BS/EN 15254-4-2018 pdf download.Extended application of results from fire resistance tests – Non-loadbearing walls Part 4: Glazed constructions.
5.2 Glass shapes
Circular, triangular or 4 sided non-rectangular shapes may be cut from within the extended rectangular pane size defined by the field of direct application. All other non-rectangular shapes may only be cut from the tested rectangular pane size and shall not be extended further.
5.3 Increase of glass dimensions
For individual panes where the E or El classification is relevant, no extension to those defined by the field of direct application is allowed.
For an individual pane where the EW classification is relevant, the individual pane size of a fire resistant glass may be increased according to the field of direct application rules given in EN 1364-1:2015. A.4.3.3, 1st and 2nd paragraph, under the precondition that the dimensions (width and height) of the total glazed test element are not increased and the radiation does not exceed 15 kW/m2. The value Wext of an individual rectangular or circular glass shall be calculated according to Formulae B.1 and 4 given in Annex B.
The increased glass dimension can also be used In combination with the rules given in .7.1
NOTE This requirement deviates from EN 1364-1:2015. A.4.3.3. where the extension of the individual glass
pane is based on an unjustifiable request of a specific radiation limit.
5.4 Exchange of timber glazing beads
The basis for the exchange of timber types is a reference test together with data on the basis of density tests (when available), or calculations according to EN 1995-1-2 or reference values for the replacement timber type and its density.
Glued laminated timber shall only be used if it has been tested accordingto EN 1364-1. Test results of any solid or laminated timber type apply to other timber types except beech under the following conditions:
— Glued laminated timber may be replaced by solid timber but not vice versa.
— Timber to be exchanged shall have the same or higher density as tested.
— Hard wood with a density  450 kg/m3 shall not be exchanged with soft wood.
Beech may only be used instead of soft wood or hard wood with a density s 450 kg/rn3.
Test results for unprotected timber apply equally to protected timber but not vice versa. Test results for protected timber apply only to the type of protection used in the test. Protection means any measure, e.g. impregnation, varnish, coating or paint, intended to improve the reaction to fire classification according to EN 13501-1 or the K-classification according to EN 13501-2 of the timber.
A bead fixed by screws shall not be exchanged by a clipped or nailed bead unless this possibility has been shown to work by pre-existing test data.
The bead depth (see Figure 5. item 6) may he increased provided the mechanical edge cover remains within the limits determined by the reference test or as determined by pre-existing test data. A reduction of the depth of the bead or the rebate is not allowed.
For E and EW classified fire resistant glazed elements, exchange of the bead profile from a sloped or chamfered bead to a flat profile head is allowed if demonstrated by a reference test or preexisting test data.
Exchange of a flat bead or flat rebate profile to a sloped or chamfered profile of the same depth facing the glass is allowed for all fire resistant glazed elements. But in this case the subsequent reduction in a bead or rebate cross section is only allowed where it is demonstrated by pre-existing test data that it does not have a detrimental effect on the fire performance.
Reduction in bead width (see Figure 5. item 7) is only allowed if it Is demonstrated by pre-existing test data that it does not have a detrimental effect on the fire performance. The bead width may be increased without restriction (see Figure 5, item 7).
NOTE The timber bead can have a major influence on the integrity performance of a timber-glazed system incorporating fire resistant glass with an E or lW classification. This is because it is possible for the timber bead to flame under the influence of radiation immediately adjacent to the glass surface on the unexposed face. Charring of the timber also occurs at radiation intensities much less than those required to cause flaming. Fire resistant glazed elements with an El classification significantly reduce the possibility of this occurrence by reducing the transmitted radiation directly at the glazing surface to low levels.
5.5 Exchange of metal glazing beads
It is not allowed to exchange the type of material used for the glazing beads (e.g. mild steel to aluminium or mild steel to stainless steel).BS/EN 15254-4-2018 pdf download.

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