BS/EN 13075-1-2016 pdf download

07-29-2021 comment

BS/EN 13075-1-2016 pdf download.Bitumen and bituminous binders Determination of breaking behaviour
Part 1: Determination of breaking value of cationic bituminous emulsions, mineral filler method.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 58, Bitumen and bituminous binders – Sampling bituminous binders
EN 12594, Bitumen and bituminous binders – Preparation of test samples
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following term and definition applies.
breaking value BV
dimensionless number corresponding to the mass of reference filler, in grams, needed to coagulate
100 g of bitumen emulsion
4 Principle
A reference filler is added at a uniform rate to a specified quantity of stirred cationic bitumen emulsion. When the emulsion has broken completely, the mass of added filler is determined by weighing. The mass of filler (in grams) multiplied by 100 and divided by the mass of emulsion (in grams) is the breaking value.
NOTE The cationic or anionic nature of an emulsion can be determined with EN 1430 [1].
5 Reagents and materials
5.1 Reference fillers.
The Forshammer filler1), the Sikaisol filler1) or the Caolin Q92 filler1) shall be used as reference fillers while applying the conversion factors given in Clause 9. The characteristics of these fillers are given in Annex A.
In the event of dispute, the same filler and the same procedure (manual or semi-automatic) shall be used by the testing laboratories.
5.2 Cleaning agents, as used conventionally in laboratories.
7 Sampling
The test material shall be sampled in accordance with EN 58 and shall be prepared in accordance with
EN 12594.
8 Procedure
8.1 General
Carry out the procedure under normal laboratory conditions (18 °C to 28 °C). However, before carrying out any one of the two procedures:
— dry the quantities of filler, required for the test, in the oven (6.4.1) at a temperature of (110 ± 5) °C until constant mass and cool to ambient temperature in a desiccator;
— pour a portion of emulsion (250 ± 10)g into a bottle (6.4.5) and secure the lid;
— pour the required quantities of filler in a container and close the container;
— place the bottle with the emulsion and the container with the filler in the constant temperature bath or climatic chamber (6.4.6) for a minimum of 1,5 h;
— transfer the required quantity of filler from the container into the hopper of the adjustable tiller feeder.
8.2 Semiautomatic procedure
Weigh the metal can (6.2.3) containing the stirrer (6.2.2) to the nearest 0,1 g (m1).
Transfer (100 ± 1) g, weighed to the nearest 0,1 g (mr) of the emulsion sample from the bottle (6.4.5) to the weighed metal can.
Place the metal can under the stirrer motor (6.2.1) and connect the stirrer (6.2.2) to the stirrer motor.
Start the stirrer motor. Ensure that the stirrer blades rotate at (260 ± 60) r/min and are below the surface of the emulsion during the test. Then, start the tiller feeder and the timer simultaneously.
Rotate the metal can slowly (approximately 5 r/min) by hand in the opposite direction to the stirrer in order to ensure homogeneity of mixing.
The mixture becomes thicker as the filler is added and the emulsion is considered broken when the mix comes off completely (or substantially) from the metal can. At this point, stop the filler feeder and the timer and then the stirrer motor. Note the actual filler feeding time (ta) to the nearest 0,2 S.
Weigh the metal can containing the broken emulsion and the stirrer to the nearest 0,1 g (m2). Calculate the actual feeding rate using Formula (2):
mz is the mass of the metal can containing the broken emulsion and the stirrer, in grams; mi is the mass of the metal can containing the stirrer, in grams;
me is the mass of the emulsion, in grams;
is the actual filler feeding time, in seconds.
Verify that qa = (0,35 ± 0,10) g/s. If not, redo the calibration of the filler feeder according to 6.4.3 and redo the test.
Repeat the test with a second portion of emulsion taken from the same bottle using a second metal can and stirrer.
8.3 Manual procedure
Weigh the dish (6.3.1) containing the spatula (6.3.2) to the nearest 0.1 g (mi).
Transfer (100 ± 1) g.. weighed to the nearest 0,1 g (me) of the emulsion sample from the bottle (6.4.5) to the weighed dish containing the spatula.
Start the filler addition and the timer simultaneously. Thoroughly mix the emulsion and the filler by stirring at a steady rate of 1 r/s, using the spatula.
The mixture becomes thicker as the filler is added and the emulsion is considered broken when the mix comes off completely (or substantially) from the dish. Stop stirring and filler addition and the timer at this point. Note the actual filler feeding time (to) to the nearest 0,2 s.BS/EN 13075-1-2016 pdf download.

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