ASTM F3624-23 pdf free download – Standard Guide For Additive Manufacturing Of Metals ““ Powder Bed Fusion ““ Measurement And Characterization Of Surface Texture

09-13-2024 comment

ASTM F3624-23 pdf free download – Standard Guide For Additive Manufacturing Of Metals ““ Powder Bed Fusion ““ Measurement And Characterization Of Surface Texture.
This guide is designed to introduce the reader to techniques for surface texture measurement and characterization of surfaces made with metal powder bed fusion additive manufacturing processes. It refers the reader to existing standards that may be applicable for the measurement and characterization of surface texture.
3. Significance and use
3.1 Determining optimal strategies for the measurement and characterization of surface texture is necessary to increase confidence in the assessment of surfaces and in any further comparisons and correlations sought between manufactured surfaces, manufacturing processes, and desired functionality.
Further, measurement and characterization of surface texture have implications in the field of tribology and in the determination and specification of part quality. This guide is designed to provide users of measurement technologies in both industry and academia with good practice for optimizing measurements
of surfaces produced by metal powder bed fusion (PBF) manufacturing processes. While the focus of this guide is on surfaces produced by metal PBF, some of the referenced methods may also be appropriate for surfaces produced by other manufacturing processes.
4. General concepts
4.1 Additive manufacturing:
4.1.1 Additive manufacturing (AM) is defined in ASTM 52900 as“the process of joining materials to make parts from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing and formative manufacturing methodologies”. The direct creation of fully metal parts, where the
final part is wholly metal as built is currently commercially limited to only a few process categories. While the principles of this guide could be applied to other processes, the guide is focused more specifically on PBF.

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