ASTM F3403-23 pdf free download – Standard Specification For Heterogeneous Polyurethane Sheet Flooring

09-13-2024 comment

ASTM F3403-23 pdf free download – Standard Specification For Heterogeneous Polyurethane Sheet Flooring.
This specification ASTM F3403-23 covers the requirements for the compound and physical characteristics of heterogeneous polyurethane sheet flooring that is printed or otherwise decorated to achieve a pattern or visual and protected by a clear wear layer.
This specification ASTM F3403-23 covers heterogeneous polyurethane sheet flooring that shall be composed of binder, fillers, and pigments. The binder shall consist of one or more resins of polyurethane, polyurethane copolymers or other suitable or any desirable combination. Other suitable polymeric resins may be incorporated as part of the binder, provided the polyurethane portion of the binder is greater than 60 % in the base layer.
14. Certification
14.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a manufacturer’ ‘s certification shall be furnished to the purchaser that the material was manufactured, sampled, tested, inspected and packaged in accordance with this specification and has been found to meet the requirements.
15. Product Marking
15.1 Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order or contract, shipping containers shall be marked with the name of the material, the size, the thickness (when the material is available in more than one thickness), the pattern number, the quantity contained therein, and the name of the manufacturer.
15.2 When product sample sets, sample set cover cards, and marketing and technical literature reference this specification,
the complete product classification relative to this specification shall be included.
16. Packaging and Package Marking
16.1 The polyurethane sheet floor covering shall be pack- aged and marked in accordance with normal commercial practice and packed to ensure acceptance by common carrier, and to provide product protection against damage during normal shipping, handling, and storage.
17. Keywords
17.1 floor; floor covering; polyurethane; resilient; sheet

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