ASTM E853-23 pdf free download – Standard Practice For Analysis And Interpretation Of Light-Water Reactor Surveillance Neutron Exposure Results.
This practice provides a comprehensive methodology, as detailed in Annex A1, for the analysis and interpretation of neutron exposure data gathered from light water reactor (LWR) pressure vessel surveillance programs. It leverages this analysis to formulate a formal approach for assessing both the current and future conditions of the pressure vessel and its supporting structures (1-74).
The application of this practice is grounded in, and integrates, several supporting ASTM standard practices, guides, and methods, as referenced in the Master Matrix E706 (1, 5, 13, 48, 49). To ensure a degree of self-sufficiency in the practice, a substantial amount of explanatory content is included on topics related to ASTM and other relevant documents. The areas covered in this discussion include reactor physics calculations, dosimeter selection and analysis, and exposure units.
The scope of this practice is limited to direct applications that pertain to surveillance programs specifically designed to support the operation, licensing, and regulatory compliance of LWR nuclear power plants. The procedures and data associated with the analysis, interpretation, and application of test reactor results are addressed in Practices E1006, Guide E900, and Practice E1035.