ASTM E3008/E3008M-16e1 pdf free download.Standard Classification for Transportation Surface Elements—UNIFORMAT II.
ASTM E3008/E3008M-16e1 establishes a classification of transportation surface elements within the UNIFORMAT II family of elemental classifications. It covers the full breadth of vehicular transportation surfaces, from rural roads to multi-lane interstate highways.
5. Basis of Classification
5. 1 The framework in Fig. shows the various constructed entities that collectively are used to create the built environ- ment. Each entity is treated as a module. Appropriate modules used together will effectively describe any planned or built development. This standard classification describes exclusively the elements that make up one of those constructed entities, transportation surface, shown as the shaded block under the heading of Heavy (Civil) Entities.
5.1.1 This transportation surface classification is applicable to the full breadth of vehicular transportation surfaces. The classification includes unpaved roads, paved roads, and divided highways. The classification does not include the following types of transportation surfaces: driveways, railroads, and runways.
5.6 Sub-Classifications (not included in this standard )are named Sub-Elements and comprise as many hierarchical levels (Level 4 and below) as are deemed appropriate to the needs of that specific example.
5.7 The decision as to where among the classification elements to include specific construction items will rely on professional judgment as to where professionals in current practice normally look for such items.
ASTM E3008/E3008M-16e1 pdf free
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