ASTM E1590-23 pdf free download – Standard Test Method For Fire Testing Of Mattresses

09-13-2024 comment

ASTM E1590-23 pdf free download – Standard Test Method For Fire Testing Of Mattresses.
This is a fire-test-response standard that provides a means of determining the burning behavior of mattresses used in public occupancies. The test method involves subjecting a mattress or mattress with foundation to a specified flaming ignition source under well-ventilated conditions, and measuring specific fire test responses. The data obtained from this test method describes the burning behavior, from ignition until all burning has ceased, for a period of 1 hour or until flashover appears inevitable. However, this test method does not provide information on the fire performance of mattresses under fire conditions other than those specified in this test method. In particular, it does not apply to smoldering ignition by cigarettes. For further information, see 5.12.

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