ASTM D1173-23 pdf free download – Standard Test Method For Foaming Properties Of Surface-Active Agents

09-11-2024 comment

ASTM D1173-23 pdf free download – Standard Test Method For Foaming Properties Of Surface-Active Agents.
This test method covers the determination of the foaming properties of surface-active agents as defined in Terminology D459. This test method is applicable under limited and controlled conditions, but does not necessarily yield information correlating with specific end uses.
This method is subjected to the operator of the method as the foam heights are not always level and an average height is determined by the user so it is more of a qualitative measurement in these instances. However, for foam measurements results taken on more flat uniform samples this method has more of a quantitative quality.
4. Test Solution
4.1 Distilled water, or water of various degrees of hardness, may be used for this test. Preheat the water used for preparing the solution and add slowly, while stirring vigorously, an amount of the surface -active agent that will produce the desired concentration. Continue stirring in such a manner as to avoid
excessive foam formation, until solution of the surface-active agent is homogeneous. Age the solution at a temperature of
120°F (49 °C) for a total period of 30 min, counting the time when the surface-active agent is first added to the water.
6. Report
6.1 In reporting results by this test, state the concentration in grams per liter of the test solution, testing temperature, the degree of hardness of the water, the initial t=0 foam height, t=1 min, 3 min and the final foam height at t=5 min. It is desirable to conduct this test at a number of concentrations, the lowest of
which shall be chosen to show a foam height which shall be no higher than 20 % of the foam height shown at the highest concentration.

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