ASTM C1713-23 pdf free download – Standard Specification For Mortars For The Repair Of Historic Masonry

09-11-2024 comment

ASTM C1713-23 pdf free download – Standard Specification For Mortars For The Repair Of Historic Masonry.
This specification covers mortar for the repair of masonry constructed with methods and materials that pre-date the origination of current standards of construction. The mortar may be used for non-structural purposes such as repointing of the masonry, or for structural purposes such as, but not restricted to, re-construction or repair of mortar joints that contribute to the structural integrity of the masonry.
3. Terminology
3.1 The terms used in this specification are identified in Terminology C1180.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 aggregate, n- -material as defined in Terminology C1180, but limited to the material groups listed under Section
4 of this specification.
3.2.2 binder; n- -material as defined in Terminology C1180, but limited to the cementitious material groups listed under Section 4 of this specification to be mixed with potable water.
3.2.3 curing, n-process by which a mortar gains its long-term, final-state properties.
3.2.4 curing time (CT), n- -number of days in which a hardened state sample is cured before testing.
3.2.5 historic masonry, n- -masonry that may have been constructed with methods and materials that pre-date the
origination of current standards.
3.3 Properies, as determined by Section 8 of this specification:
3.3.1 absorption rate (AR), n- a measure of the hardened mortar’s ability to absorb water from a dry condition, measured as the initial flow of water into the mortar, as defined under Test Method C1403 and evaluated at the specified curing time (CT).
3.3.2 air content, n- cumulative volume of air in a mortar, as a percentage of the total volume of mortar in its plastic state.
3.3.3, flexural bond strength (FBS), n- -maximum flexural tensile stress that causes failure of the bond between the mortar and masonry unit in a tested assembly at the specified curing time (CT).
3.3.4 maximum compressive strength (Fcmx), n- -upper allowable limit on the ultimate strength of a hardened mortar sample subjected to compression measured as force per unit area at the specified curing time (CT).

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