ASTM A994-23a pdf free download – Standard Guide For Editorial Procedures And Form Of Product Specifications For Steel, Stainless Steel, And Related Alloys

09-10-2024 comment

ASTM A994-23a pdf free download – Standard Guide For Editorial Procedures And Form Of Product Specifications For Steel, Stainless Steel, And Related Alloys.
This guide covers the editorial form and style for product specifications under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01.
1.2 Subcommittees preparing new product specifications or revising existing ones should follow the practices and procedures outlined herein, and be guided by the latest specification covering similar commodities.
1.3 This guide has been prepared as a supplement to the current edition of the Form and Style Manual, and is appropriate for use by the subcommittees to Committee A01. This guide is to be applied in conjunction with the Form and Style Manual.
1.4 If a conflict exists between this guide and the mandatory sections of the current edition of the Form and Style Manual, the Form and Style Manual requirements have precedence. If a conflict exists between this guide and the nonmandatory sections of the current edition of the Form and Style Manual, the guide has precedence.
1.5 When patents are involved, the specifications writer should refer to section F3 of the Form and Style Manual. Also, refer to part F of the Form and Style Manual for trademark information and the safety hazards caveat.
6.18.1 This section should address the number of tests foreach test required by the specification. It should also cover theallowances for retesting and resampling, if permitted by thespecification. For example, retesting might be permitted due tothe mechanical failure of a specimen, for example,it brokeoutside the gage length during a tension test. Resampling is thesecuring of new samples because the tests failed to meet thelimits of the standard but were within prescribed limits thatallow resampling. Procedures for dealing with product betweenthe original sample and additional samples should be described.
6.18.2 The number of test units and the number of testspecimens necessary to qualify the product should be included,as well as the orientation of such test units or specimens.Following are examples of paragraphs that have been used todefine the number,location, and orientation of test specimens:

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