You can download ASTM A781/A781M-20 pdf here.The title is Standard Specification for Castings, Steel and Alloy, Common Requirements, for General Industrial Use.
This specification covers a group of requirements that are mandatory requirements of the following steel casting specifications issued by ASTM. If the product specification specifies different requirements, the product specification shall prevail.
S17.5 Alternatively, by agreement, it is permissible to subject castings from an unacceptable heat to a high temperature homogenizing cycle prior to the normal produc tion heat treatment and subsequently macroetch test each casting,
S17.6 Heavy section castings (see Note $17. 2) whose con figurations are amenable to the attachment of test coupons representative of the section thickness involved and fr
which standard 0.505-in (12.827-mm] diameter tension speci mens may be machined are exempt from this macroetch test if the results of the tension test on the coupon after heat treatment of the casting meet the minimum requirements specified for the grade of steel involved.
S18. Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIPing)
S18.I Castings shall be processed by hot isostatic pressin (HIPing ) according to Practice A 1080/A1080M. Unless speci fied by the purchaser in the purchase order or contract, the HIPing time, temperature, pressure, and other parameters shall be at the discretion of the producer.
S19. Cleaning of Stainless Steels
S19. I Final cleaning of the casting surfaces shall be per formed in accordance with one of the cleaning methods in Practice A380/A380M or Specification A967/A967M as agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier Accep- tance testing shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and supplier.
ASTM A781/A781M-20 pdf download
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