ASTM A340-23 pdf free download – Standard Terminology Of Symbols And Definitions Relating To Magnetic Testing

09-10-2024 comment

ASTM A340-23 pdf free download – Standard Terminology Of Symbols And Definitions Relating To Magnetic Testing.
In preparing this terminology standard, an attempt has been made to avoid, where possible,vectoranalysis and differential equations so as to make the definitions more intelligible to the average workerin the field of magnetic testing. In some cases,rigorous treatment has been sacrificed to securesimplicity and clarity, but it is believed that none of the definitions will prove to be is the intent of this terminology standard to be consistent in the use of symbols and units withthose found in IEC 60050-221:1990 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 221: Magneticmaterials and components. Although Committee A06 has chosen to make Sl units normative,theextensive technical and commercial literature using the older Gaussian units requires that manydefinitions contain discussion about and use of both unit systems. This is not an endorsement of theolder unit system and users of this terminology are encouraged to use Sl units where possible.
resistivity,surface insulation (of a single-strip specimen)—the effective resistivity of a single insulative layer testedbetween applied bare metal contacts and the base metal ofthe insulated test specimen.
resistivity,surface insulation (of multi-strip specimens)—the resistance of a unit area per test strip calculated from ameasurement of the electrical resistance of a stack of stripswith test current perpendicular to the strip surface.

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