ASTM A1101-23 pdf free download – Standard Specification For Sintered And Fully Dense Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) Permanent Magnets.

09-10-2024 comment

ASTM A1101-23 pdf free download – Standard Specification For Sintered And Fully Dense Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) Permanent Magnets.
This specification ASTM A1101-23 covers technically important, commercially available, magnetically hard sintered and fully dense neodymium iron boron (Nd2Fe14B, NdFeB, or “Neo”) permanent magnets. These materials are available in a wide range of compositions with a commensurately large range of magnetic properties. The numbers in the Nd2Fe14B name indicate the approximate atomic ratio of the key elements.
4.1 The classification of sintered neodymium iron boronpermanent magnets is given in Table 1.The classification ofhot-deformed neodymium iron boron permanent magnets isgiven in Table 2. Cross-reference to MMPA standard No.0100-00 and IEC 60404-8-1 is provided in Appendix X1.5.Ordering Information
5.1 Orders for parts conforming to this specification shallinclude the following information:
5.1.1 Reference to this specification and year of issuelrevision.
5.1.2 Reference to an applicable part drawing.
5.1.3 Magnetic property requirements,if they are morestringent than the minimum values listed in the tables.
5.1.4 Quantity required.
5.1.5 The required magnetization state of the providedmaterial (unmagnetized,fully magnetized,magnetized andthermally stabilized,magnetized and then partially demagne-tized). This information should appear on the part drawingwhenever possible.
5.1.6 Certification of magnetic property evaluation.5.1.7 Marking and packaging requirements.
5.1.8 Exceptions to this specification or special require-ments such as plating, coating, or functional testing as mutuallyagreed upon by the producer and user.

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