ASME Y14.1:2005 pdf download Decimal Inch Drawing Sheet Size and Format
sfandard: a document that establishes technical criteriamethods,processes, and practices.
contpani standard: a document produced by a companythat establishes engineering and technical limitationsand applications for items, materials, processes, meth-ods, designs, and engineering practices unique to thatparticular company
sfandardization document: a document developed for thepurpose of standardizing items, materials, processes, orproceduires.
Drawing sheet size designations are listed in Tables1 and 2. The sizes shown are the overall size of the sheetsexcluding protective or binding margins. See paras. 2.1.2and 2.1.3. Rounded corners may be used on all drawing sizes.
2.1 Margins
2.1.1 Format Margins. The format margin sizesshown in applicable figures are the minimum required.
2.1.2 Protective Margins. For roll size drawings, addi.tional lengths of vertical and horizontal margins arepermissible. See Figs. 2 and 3.
2.1.3 Binding Margins. The margins of basic drawingsizes (format margins) may be increased when the docu-ment is to be bound in a book form, Both margins maybe increased when the document is to be printed backto back. However, except for the binding margins, allother format, content, and actual sheet size requirementsare to conform to this Standard.
22 Drawing Sizes
All drawing sizes indicated in Tables 1 and 2 aremultiples of the A size except for F, H, and K sizes.
2.2.1 Roll Size Drawings. Roll size drawings aredrawings which, due to their lengths, are filed in rollsThe lengths shown have been selected in recognition ofmicrofilm frame size requirements. Segments of lengthare based on two zone increments. Segments containfull zones in each microfilm segment.
2.2.2 G Size Format. Segments of lengths are basedon multiples of85 in. This format permits full size copiesto be bound in 8.5 x 11 in, books or filed in loose-leafnotebooks. See Table 2 and Fig. 2.
2.2.3 H J and K Size Format. Segments of lengths arebased on multiples of 11 in.
2.3 Computer-Generated Drawings
When copies of computer-generated drawings areproduced,sheet sizes may be increased to compensatefor output device requirements, providing the copies canbe trimmed to the sheet sizes specified in this StandardHowever, the drawing format and content shall conformto the requirements of this Standard. The continuouslines and widths of lines shown in this Standard toform the various features (that is, the required blockscolumns, and margins) do not have to be used.Howeverthe format sizes, the relative positions of the data head-ings and data contents shall conform to the requirementsof this Standard. The data headings and contents createdby data processing systems shall be legible when repro-duced.
3.1 Basic
Basic formats include the title block from Figs. 4 and5, and shall be used for sheet one, and may be used forall sheets of a multisheet drawing.The basic formats are defined in Figs. 1, 2, and 3
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