acceplarce. the act of an authorized represenalive ofthe receiving activity to take ownership of suppliestcndcred, or approve specific services rendered, as partialor complete performancc of the contract.
altered item: an existing item, under the control ofanother design activity or defined by a nationally rccognized standardization document, that is subject to alteration to mect the design requircmcnts.
assembly: a numbcr of parts, or subassemblies, orcombination thereof, that are joined together to performa specific function and subject to disassembly withoutdegradation of any of the parts (e.g., power shovelfront, fan assembly, audic-frequency amplifier).
NOTE: The distinction between an assembly and a subassemhly isdetermined by individual applicalion. An asseimbly in one instancemay be a subassembly in another instance where it forms a portionof a higher assembly.
associated list:a tabulation of engineering informationpertaining to an item that is depicted on an engineeringdrawing or by a set of drawings (c.g, parts list, datalist, and index list).
bulk items:those constituents of an assembly or part(such as oil, wax, solder, cement, ink, damping fluidgrease, fux, welding rod, twine, or chain) that satisfyone or more of the fo!lowing criteria: the quantityrequired cannot readily be predetermined; the physicanature of the material is such that it is not adaptableto pictorial representation; the finished size is obtainablethrough use of such tools as shears, pliers, or kniveswithout further machining operation; and the final configuration is such that it can be described in writingwithout the necessity f pictorial representation.
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code:five-character code that provides a unique activity identi-hier used by the Government for activity identificationThis method of activity identification has also beenwidely adopted by industry.(CAGE Codes are listedin Cataloging Handbook H4/H8.Cataloging HandbookH4/H8 is available at the Defense Logistics ServicesCenter,Federai Center, Battie Creek,Mi 49017-3084.)
confrac: a mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish the supplics or services (includ!ing construction) and the buycr to pay for them. Itincludcs all typcs of commitments that obligate theprocuring activity to an expenditure of appropriatedfunds and that, except as otherwise authorized, are inwriting. In addition to bilateral instruments, contractsinclude but are not limited to, awards and notices ofawards; iob orders or task letters issued under hasicordering agreements; letter contracts; orders, such aspurchase orders, under which the contract becomeseffective by written acceptance or performance: andbilateral contract modifications.
conrractor: an individual,partnership,cornpany,cur-poration,association,or other service having a contractiur ife uesign,ueveiupinenl manufacturc,mainicnanccmodification, or supply of items under the terms of acontract.
any reproduction or duplication, in any mediacopy:of an original.
critica! safety characteristic:any feature, such as tolerance,finish,material composition,manufacturing,assembly, or inspection process or product that, if nonconforming or missing,could cause the failure ormalfunction of the critical safety item.
Critical Safety Item (CSI): a part, assembly.installation, or production system with one or more criticalcharacteristic that if not conforming to the designdaia or quality requiremenis wouid resuit in an unsafccondition.
design activity;an organization that has, or has hadresponsibility for the design of an item.
ASME Y14.100:2001 pdf download
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