ASME QEI-1:2001 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

ASME QEI-1:2001 pdf download PART 1 INTRODUCTION
1.1 Scope
1.7.1 Inspectors and Inspection Supervisors.This Standard includes requirements for the qualification, duries,and responsibilities of inspectors and inspection supervisurs engaged in the inspection and testing oi(a) hoisting and lowering mechanismns,cquipped witha car or platform,that move between two or morclandings; this cqujpment includes, but is not limitedto,the following:
() elevators (ASME A17.1);
(2) platform and stairway chairlifts (ASMEA18.1);
(b) power-driven stairways and walkways for car-rying persons hetween landings; this equipment includesbut is not limited to, the following:
(/) cscalators (ASME A17.1):
(2) moving walks (ASME A17.1);
(c) hoisting and lowering mechanisms equipped witha car that serves two or more landings and is restrictedto the carrying of material by its limited size or limitedaccess to the car; this equipment includes, but is notlimited to, the fo!lowing:
(1) dumbwaiters (ASME A17.1);
(2) material lifts and dumbwaiters with automatictransfer devices (ASME A17.1)
NOTE: Appendix B also includes recommended qualifications andduties of inspector trainees.
1.1.2 Accreditation.This Standard includes requirements for accreditation of organizations that certifiinspectors and inspection supervisors
1.1.3 CertificationASME A17.1,Sections8.10.1,1 and 8.11,1,1,rcquircs inspcctors and inspcctionsupervisors to be certified by an organization accreditedby ASME in accordance with the requirements containedin this Standard.
1.1.4 Covered lnspections. This Standard appliesto any person who is making an inspection to determinecompliance with the requirements of ASME A17.1ASME A17.3,CAN/CSA-B44.1/ASME A17.5,and ASME A18.1. It applies to persons typically employedby, but not limited to, the following:
(a) jurisdictional authorities;
(b) independent inspection agencies and elevator consultants;
(c) insurers of the equipment:
(d) manufacturers, installers. and maintainers of theequipment:
(e) building owners and managers; and
(f) testing laboratories performing feld inspectionsand tests. See also para. l.l.5.
1.1.5 Exempt Inspections. This Standard doesnot cover personnel engaged in engineering and typetesting as covered in Section 8.3 of ASME A17.1Section 8 of ASME A18.1and CAN/CSA-B44.1/ASIiE A17.5,incjuding inspectiun by iaburaturics inassociation with these tests.
12 Definitions
Terms used in this Standard shali have the meaningsspecified in the following definitions. Other terms usedshall have the mneanings specified in Section 3 of ASMFA17.1.
accredired cerlifying orgunization: a certifying organization that holds a valid Certificate of Accrcditation.
ASME. Tte Amnerican Society of Mechanical Engincer5.
Certificate of Accreditation. a certificate issued byASME to a certifying organization that verifies thcadequacy of the organization to mcet the requirementsof Part 4 of this Standard.
ceriijicafion marual, the documentation of a certification program.
certification program: a certifying organization’s controlled management program, which is utilized forthe purposc of certifying inspectors and inspcctionsupervisors.

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