ASME PTC-10:1997 pdf download Performance Test Code on Compressors and Exhausters
The object of this Code is to provide a testprocedure to determine the thermodynamic performance of an axial or centrifugal compressor or exhauster doing work on a gas of known or measurableproperties under specified conditions.This Code is written to provide explicit test procedures which will yield the highest level of accuracyconsistent with the best engineering knowledge andpractice currently available. Nonetheless, no singleuniversal value of the uncertainty is, or should beexpected to apply to every test. The uncertaintyassociated with any individual PTC 10 test willdepend upon practical choices made in terms ofinstrumentation and methodology. Rules are pro.vided to estimate the uncertainty for individual tests
General. The scope of this Code includes1.2.1instructions on test arrangement and instrumentation.test procedure. and methods for evaluation andreporting of final results.Rules are provided for establishing the followingquantities,corrected as necessary to represent expected performance under specified operating condi-tions with the specified gas:(a) quantity of gas delivered(b) pressure rise produced(c) head(d) shaft power required
(e) efficiency(f) surge point
(g) choke pointOther than providing methods for calculating mechanical power losses, this Code does not coverrotor dynamics or other mechanical performanceparameters.
1.2.2 Compressor Arrangements. This Code is designed to allow the testing of single or multiple casingaxial or centrifugal compressors or combinationsthereof, with one or more stages of compressionper casing. Procedures are also included for externally piped intercoolers and for compressors withinterstage side load inlets or outlets.
Internally cooled compressors are included provided that test conditions are held nearly identicato specified conditions.
Compressors,as the name implies, are usuallyintended to produce considerable density changeas a result of the compression process. Fans arenormally considered to be air or gas moving devicesand are characterized by minimal density changeA distinction between the two at times may beunclear. As a very rough guide, either PTC 10 orPTC 11 may be used for machines falling into theapproximate pressure ratio range of 1.05 to 1.2.The methods of PTC 10, which provide for thepronounced effects of density change during com-pression,have no theoretical lower limit.Howeverpractical considerations regarding achievable accu-racy become important in attempting to apply PTC10 to devices commonly classified as fans. Forexample,the low temperature rise associated withfans may lead to large uncertainty in power requirement if the heat balance method is chosen. Fansalso may require traversing techniques for flow andgas state measurements due to the inlet and dischargeducting systems employed. Refer to PTC 11 on Fansfor further information.
The calculation procedures provided in this Codeare based on the compression of a single phasegas. They should not be used for a gas containingsuspended solids or any liquid, when liquid couldbe formed in the compression process, or when achemical reaction takes place in the compressionprocess.This does not preclude the use of this Code ona gas where condensation occurs in a cooler the droplets are removed prior to the gas enteringthe next stage of compression.
ASME PTC-10:1997 pdf download
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