ASME HST-1:1999 pdf download

12-14-2022 comment

1.1 Scope
(a) This Standard establishes performance require-ments for electric chain hoists for vertical lifting serviceinvolving material handling of freely suspended (unguided) loads using load chain of the roller or weldedlink types with one of the following types of suspension:
(/) lug;
(2) hook or clevis;
(3) trolley.
(b) This Standard is applicable to hoists manufacturedafter the date on which this Standard is issued. It isnot applicable to:
(1) damaged or malfunctioning hoists;
(2) hoists that have been misused or abused;
(3) hoists that have been altered without authoriza-tion of the manufacturer or a qualified person;
(4) hoists used for lifting or supporting people;(5) hoists used for the purpose of drawing boththe load and the hoist up or down the hoist’s ownload chain(s); and
(6) hoists used for marine and other applicationsas required by the Departent of Defense (DOD).
1.2 The Appendices
Nonmandatory Appendix A,Performance Require.ments for Hoists Used in Marine Applications andOther Applications as Required by the Department ofDefense (DOD),applies to the performance requirements for hoists used in marine and other applicationsThe requirements stated in Appendix A are in additionto the requirements of ASME HST-1-1999 and mustbe separately invoked.
Nonmandatory Appendix B,Typical Examples ofHoist Class Selection, includes examples of hoist appli-cations as an aid to users in making the selection ofthe proper hoist for the application.
1.3 Reference Standards
The following documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein. The latest issue shallapply.
ANSI Z535.4,Product Safety Signs and LabelsNEMA 250,Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000Volts Maximum)
Publisher: National Electrical Manufacturers Association(NEMA)1300 North 17th Street, Rosslyn,VA 22209
ANSVNFPA 70National Electrical Code
Publisher: National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),I Batterymarch Park,Quincy,MA 02269
ASME B29.1,Precision Power Transmission RollerChains.Attachments,and Sprokets
ASME B30.2,Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Run-ning Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top RunningTrolley Hoist)ASME B30.7,Base Mounted Hoists
ASME B30.9Slings
ASME B30.10.Hooks
ASME B30.11.Monorails and Underhung CranesASME B30.16,Overhead Hoists (Underhung)
ASME B30.17,Overhead and Gantry Cranes (TopRunning,Bridge,Single Girder, and UnderhungHoist)
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engi-neers (ASME International),Three Park Avenue.New York,NY 10016; ASME Order Department:22 Law Drive,Box 2300,Fairfeld,NJ 07007-2300
1.4 Definitions
abnormal operating conditions: environmental condi-tions that are unfavorable, harmful or detrimental tothe operation of a hoist, such as excessively high orlow temperature,exposure to weather, corrosive fumes.dust laden or moisture laden atmospheres, and hazardouslocations.
ambienf temperafure: the temperature of the atmo-sphere surrounding the hoist.

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