ASME B94.54:1999 pdf download

12-14-2022 comment

This Standard provides a tuseful criterion of practicein the production,distribution, and usc of high-specdsteel,grit edge,and carbide-tipped nonadjustable holesaws and their accessories.
This Standard covers definitions, standard sizes, dimensionstolerances,tooth confguration, and qualityrequirements for the hole saws and their accessoriescovered by this Standard.
blade: that part of the hole saw which is affixed tothe cap and is comprised of the cylindrical bodyand teeth.
body: that part of the blade between the bottom ofthe gullet and cap (see Fig. 1).
built-in arbor: an arbor that is fabricated integrallywith the cap of the hole saw.
cap (sometimes called a cup): the component to whichthe arbor is attached to drive the hole saw blade.
cufling depth: the ovcrali distance between the pointof the tooth or grit and the edge or lip of the capncarest the tecth.
cuffing edge: that edge of the face of the tooth whichis intended to perform cutting. It is formed by theintersection of the flank and the face (see Fig. 6) (Seepara. 4.1.5 for exceptions.)
direction of rotation: looking at a hole saw from thethrcaded end (opposite the teeth). thc saw shall berotated in a clockwise direclion.
explanatory information: when provided in this Standard, it will be identified as such and is not part ofthe Standard It will be used to help clarify the variousfacels of the Standard.
gullet: the space between teeth points that pcrmitschip removal (see Fig. 6.
kerf: the width of cut produced by the overall set ofthe teeth (see Fig. S).
saw diameter: thc diamcter of a saw shall be deter-mined by measuring at the outer limits of the set ofthe teeth or grit, rather than at the body of the blade.
shall: to be understood as mandatory.
should: to be understood as advisory.
tables: all tables used in this Standard are applicableto the Standard.
teeth: the serrations formed across the thickness ofthe blade to provide cutting edges (see Fig. 1).
thickness of the blade: the distance between the twocylindrical surfaces of the body (see Fig. S).
tooth cres! plane: the place perpendicular to the axisof the hole saw that includes the extreme point of thecutting edge.
tooth depth: the distance from the point of the toothto the deepest portion of the gulfet measured parallelto thc axis of the hole saw (sce Fig. 6)
tooth face: that surface of the tooth over which thechip fows (sec Fig. 6)
tooth pitch: the distance between apices of adjacentteeth measured in inches. Teeth per unit length isexpressed as the number of complete teeth per 1 inlength.
tooth set: the transverse projection of the teeth fromthe side of the blade to provide the cutting clearance.toothed edge: the edge of the blade (or body) alongwhich the teeth have been formed (see Fig. 1).
3.1 Classifications of Hole Saws
3.1.1 Classification by Depth(a) Shallow-depth hole saws shall be designed tocut a maximun of%in.

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