ASME B94.51M:1999 pdf download

12-14-2022 comment

This Standard provides a useful criterion of practicein production, distribution, and use of metal cuttingband saw blades. It was developed to provide bladesthat will meet all normal requirements of consumersSection 3, Definitions, indicates the specific types incommon usage and also defines the various elements.This Standard covers tooth shape, sizes, and toler-ances for regular, skip tooth, and hook tooth band sawblades; and it also sets out the determination of:(a) band saw blade dimensions;
(b) tooth form and set;
(c) blade flatness and minimum hardness characteristics.
This is a Standard for use in the United States ofAmerica, its territories and protectorates. ThereforeEnglish units are considered standard dimensions. Metricdimensions shown are based on the Renard R-40 systemfor conversion and are for the guidance of those countries using metric units as their standard.
This Standard applies to carbon hard edge flexibleand tempered back band saw blades and compositesteel band saw blades: information on friction cuttingband saw blades is set forth in Appendix I.
For the purpose of this Standard, the followingdefinitions are set forth.
band saw blade: an endless blade manufactured of acontinuous strip of steel having one toothed edge asdefined in Fig. 1. The body of the blade may behardened and tempered to impart strength to the bladein certain types. This strip may be available as coilstock or cut and welded to length.
carbon hard edge fexible back band saw blades: madefrom steel strip with one toothed edge. The toothededge is harder than the body of the saw below thegullets of the teeth, having a minimum hardness at thepoint of the tooth not less than 62 Rockwell C. The body of the blade after heat treating shall not be lessthan 25 Rockwell C nor more than 38 Rockwell C.
carbon hard edge tempered back band sawblades. made from steel strip with one toothed edgeThe toothed edge is harder than the body of the sawbelow the gullets of the teeth, having a minimumhardness at the point of the tooth not less than 62Rockwell C. The body of the blade after heat treatingshall not be less than 38 Rockwell C nor more than48 Rockwell C.
NOTE: Carbon hard edge flexible back and tempered back bandsaw blades are generally classified as metal cutting, but as definedhere the term includes all such band saw blades irrespective ofactual or intended use.
composite steel band saw blades. made with a cuttingedge of high speed steel, as defined below, welded toa backing of low alloy spring steel (similar to 6150).and the gullets of the teeth shall extend below theweld. The cutting edge is harder than the body of thesaw and has a minimum hardness at the point of theteeth not less than 62 Rockwell C. The body of theblade after heat treating shall not be less than 37Rockwell C nor more than 52 Rockwell C.In manufacturing this blade, alternative alloying steelsof equivalent or superior properties may be used.hardness: hardness testing of band saws is a special-ized art and can be accomplished by the followingmethods: Superficial Rockwell 15N, Vickers, or microhardness. Any of the readings taken from the abovemethods can then be converted to Rockwell C equiva-lents by using an approximate conversion table.
NOTE: See conversion table in Appendix I.

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