ASME B94-2:1995 pdf download

12-13-2022 comment

ASME B94-2:1995 pdf download REAMERS
This Standard covers the American National Standard for Reamers – nomenclature, definitions, types.sizesand tolerances.
reamer – a rotary cutting tool with one or morecutting elements used for enlarging to size and contoura previously formed hole. Its principal support duringthe cutting action is obtained from the workpiece(See Fig.1)
actual size – the actual measured diameter of areamer, usually slightly larger than the nominal sizeto allow for wear
angle of taper – the included angle of taper on ataper tool or taper shank
arbor hole – the central mounting hole in a shellreamer
axis – the imaginary straight line which forms thelongitudinal centerline of a reamer,usually established by rotating the reamer between centers
back taper – a slight decrease in diameter, from frontto back, in the flute length of reamersbeve/ – an unrelieved angular surface of revolution(not to be confused with chamfer)body — the fluted full diameter portion of a reamerinclusive of the chamfer, starting taper, and bevelchamfer – the angular cutting portion at the enteringend of a reamer [see also secondary (chamfer)]chamfer angle – the angle between the axis and thecutting edge ofthe chamfer measured in an axial planeat the cutting edge
chamfer length – the length of the chamfer measuredparallel to the axis at the cutting edge
chamfer relief angle – see under relief
chamfer relief – see under relief
chip breakers – notches or grooves in the cuttingedges of some taper reamers designed to break thecontinuity of the chips
circular land – see preferred term margin
clearance – the space created by the relief behind the
cutting edge or margin of a reamer
core – the central portion of a reamer below theflutes which joins the lands
core diameter – the diameter at a given point alongthe axis of the largest circle which does not projectinto the flutes
cutter sweep – the section removed by the millingcutter or grinding wheel in entering or leaving a flutecutting edge — the leading edge of the relieved landin the direction of rotation for cutting
cutting face – the leading side of the relieved landin the direction of rotation for cutting on which thechip impinges
external center – the pointed end of a reamer. Theincluded angle varies with manufacturing practice.flutes – longitudinal channels formed in the body ofthe reamer to provide cutting edges, permit passageof chips, and allow cutting fluid to reach the cuttingedges
angular flute – a flute which forms a cutting facelying in a plane intersecting the reamer axis at anangle. It is unlike a helical flute in that it forms acutting face which lies in a single plane.
helical flute – (sometimes called spiral flute) a flutewhich is formed in a helical path around the axis ofa reamerspiral flute (l) on a taper reamer, a flute of constantlead; or,(2) in reference to a straight reamer, seepreferred term helical flute.
straight flute – a flute which forms a cutting edgelying in an axial plane
flute length – the length of the flutes not includingthe cutter sweep
guide – a cylindrical portion following the flutes ofa reamer to maintain alignment
heel – the trailing edge of the land in the direction
of rotation for cutting

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