ASME B73.3M:1997 pdf download

12-13-2022 comment

This Standard covers sealless centrifuga! pumps ofhorizontal end suction single stage and centerline dis-charge design,including dimensional interchangeabilityand features to facilitate installation and maintenanceIt is the intent of this Standard that pumps of the samestandard dimensional designation from all sources ofsupply shall be interchangeable with respect to mountingdimensions,size,and iocation of suction and dischargenozzles,input shafts. baseplates. and foundation bolttoles (see Tabies i,2, 3,and 4).
2.1 Extended Design
The extended length alternative shall conform to thebasic design features of this Standard including thoseproviding interchangeability with respect to mountingdimensions at the casing, size, and location of thesuction and discharge nozzles (see column heads withe suffix in Tables I through 4 for dimensional limits)Manufacturers,when offering extended length pumps,shali state this fact in their proposai.
NOTE: For Tables and 2 the extended length dimenslon is amaximum value. Any dimension between the standard and maximumextended iength is acceptable.
2.2 Alternative Design
Alternative designs wili be cunsidere, pruvided theymeet the intent of this Standard and cover constructionand performance which arc equivalent to and otherwisein accordance with this Standard,All deviations fromthese specifications shall bc dcscribed in detail.
A!! nomenclature and definitions of pump componentsshall be in accordance with ANSI/HI 5.1 through 5.6.
canned motor pump (CMP): a type of sealless pumpwhich has a common shaft to link the pump and motorin a single sealed unit. The pumped liquid is circulatedthrough the mofor. but is isolated from the motorcomponents by a corrosion-resistant containment liner.
magnetic drive pump (MDPl: a tyne of sealless pumpwhich utilizes an outer ring of permanent magnets orelectromagners to drive an internal rotating assemblyconsisting of an impeller, shaft and inner drive membertorque ring or inner magnet ring) through a corrosionrcsistant containment shell.
4 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FEATURES4.1 Pressure and Temperature Limits
4.1.1 Pressure Limits, The design pressure of thepump shall be at least as great as the pressure-temperature rating of ASME B16.5 or ANSIASME B16.42Class 150 flanges of the material used. Primary pressure.containing houndary (and secondary pressure-containingboundary if required) shall be designed to withstanda hydrostatic test at l.s times the maximum designpressure for the particular material of construction used(see para.5.2.1).
Aii primnary pressure-containing parts shaii be capabieof resisting a pressure differential of 760 mnHG (147psi) betwecn the wettcd and atmospheric side of thecomponent. The higher pressure shall be on the atmosphcric sidc of the component.
4.1.2 Temperature Limits. Pumps shou!d beavailable for temperatures up to 260(‘ (5(MF).Jacketing and other modifications may be required to meetthe operating temperature.
4.1.3 Statement. Temperaturc limitations of thcliquid at the suction fange shal! be stated by the pumpmanufacturer.

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