ASME B73.2:2003 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

ASME B73.2:2003 pdf download Specification for Vertical In-Line Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process
This Standard covers motor-driven centrifugal pumpsof vertical shaft, single stage design with suction anddischarge nozzles in line. It includes dimensional inter-changeability requirements and certain design featuresto facilitate installation and maintenance. It is the intentof this Standard that pumps of the same standard dimen-sion designation, from all sources of supply, shall beinterchangeable with respect to mounting dimensionsand size and location of suction and discharge nozzles(see Table 1).
Alternate designs will be considered, provided theymeet the intent of this Standard and cover constructioncharacteristics which are equivalent to and otherwise inaccordance with these specifications. All deviationsfrom these specifications shall be described in detail.
3,1 Source
All nomenclature and definitions of pump compo-nents shall be in accordance with theHydraulic InstituteANSI/HI 1.1-1.2.
3.2 In-Line Pump
An in-line pump is an overhung impeller-type pumpwhose driving unit is supported exclusively by thepump, and whose suction and discharge connectionshave a common centerline that intersects the shaft axis
4.1 Pressure and Temperature Limits
4.1.1 Pressure Limits. Pressure limitations shall bestated by the pump manufacturer. The design pressure of the casing, includ-ing seal chamber or stuffing box and gland, shall be atleast as great as the pressure-temperature rating ofASME B16.5 Class 150 flanges or B16.42 Class 150 flangesfor the material used The design pressure of jackets shall be atleast 100 psig (690 kPa gage) at 340°F (170″C).Heatingjackets may be required for jacket temperatures to 500°F(260°C) with a reduction in pressure corresponding tothe reduction in yield strength of the jacket material. Casing, stuffing box cover or seal chamberand jackets shall be designed to withstand a hydrostatictest at 1.5 times the maximum design pressure for theparticular component and material of construction used(see para. 5.2.1).
4.1.2 Temperature Limits. Pumps should be availablefor operating temperatures up to 500F(260°C). Jacketing and other modifications may be required to meetthe operating temperature.
4.2 Flanges
Suction and discharge nozzles shall be flangedFlanges shall conform to ASME B16.5 Class 150 or B16.42Class 150 standards except that marking requirementsare not applicable and the maximum acceptable toler-ance on parallelism of the back of the flange shall be 3deg. As an option,Class 300 flanges per ASME B16.5or B16.42 may be offered subject to the manufacturer’scasing pressure-temperature limitations.All pumpsregardless of flange rating shall conform to the SDdimension shown in Table 1. SD dimensions shall bethe same for all class flanges (see Table 1).
4.3 Casing
4.3.1 Drain Connection Boss(es).Pump casing shallhave cast boss(es) to provide for drain connection(s)Boss size shall accommodate in. NPT min. Boss(esshall be drilled and tapped when specified by customer
4.3.2 Gage Connection Bosses.The suction and discharge nozzles shall have bosses for gage connectionsBoss size shall accommodate / in. NPT min., in NPTpreferred. Boss(es) shall be drilled and tapped whenspecified by customer.
4.3.3 Support. The casing shall be designed to besupported by the suction and discharge flanges alonewhen mounted with the shaft in the vertical positionhowever, all casings shall be designed to accommodatean optional auxiliary support.

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