ASME B5.57:1998 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

This Standard establishes requirements and methodsfor specifying and testing the performance of CNClathes and turning centers. In addition to clarifying theperformance evaluation of lathes and turning centers.this Standard seeks to facilitate performance compari-sons between machines by unifying terminology, gcncralmachine classifcation, and the treatmcnt of environmenta! effects. The Standard dcfines testing methods capablcof yielding adequate performance results for the majorityof turming ccntcrs and is not intended to replace morecomplctc tests. It is not the intent of this Standard toplace limits on, or to enforce 100 percent testing ofany individual machine tool in accordance with thisStandard.This shall be the subjecl of contractualagrccment between the supplier and the user.
Sections 2 and 3 of this Standard reference documentsthat are used herein and provide a listing of symbolism.The first part of Section 4 is a glossary coveringtechnical terms used throughout the Standard whichmight require explanation. The second part of Section4 defines common machine classifications and providesguidance for developing other classifications.
The actual specification for CNC lathes and turningcenters’ is divided into six logical areas:
General definitions and machine classifications
Machinc cnvironmiental specifications and responsesMachine accuracy performance as a machine tool
Machine cutting performance and short-term reli.ability
Optional machine performanceMachining tcst partsGenerai definitions and mmachine ciassifications include definitions of common terms. machine typesmacitining ranges, position resoiutions, and other generalspecifications,as required.
Environmental specifications and responses includethermal, electrical, and vibration specifications and testsas well as requirements on utility air and other cxter-nally-supplied services.
Machine accuracy performance as a machinc toolincludcs positioning accuracy and repeatability for linearand rotary axcs, angular error molion (yaw) of finearaxcs, spindle axis of rotation analysis, machine thermaltests,criticai alignmnents, and contouring performanceusing circular tests.
Machine cutting performance and short-term reliabil.ity includes tests of spindle idle run losses and maximummetal-removal capability. Additionally, the machine isrun for approximately 24 hours to determine short-termreliability.
Optional performance sections are provided for axisof rotation alignment, tail stock alignment, subsystemsrepeatability,tool-setting performance, CNC perform-ance, and machine performance as a measuring tool.Also optionally, this Standard provides for the mnachining of test parts for a particular manufacturingapplication. These test parts ar to be fuily specifiedas part of thc original purchasing agreement betweenuser and supplier. Such specification shall include, butnot be limited to, material, tooling, machining sequenceand inspection prucedure.
This Standard does not address issues of machinesafety.
This Standard is rather comprehensive. A guide forusing it is given in Appendix A. Further, for smaller,less expensive machines, a shorter series of tests forconformance to specification is given in Appendix L.

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