ASME B5.49:1998 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

ASME B5.49:1998 pdf download GLOSSARY 0F POWER PRESS TERMS
1.1 Scope
This Stundard provides 4 glossary of terms commonlyused in the industries that manufacture or use mechanically and hydraulically powcred prcsscs.
NOTE: Often two or more terms are used for the same definitionIn this Standard,only the preferred tertn is defined. Synonymousterms are listed, with a reference to the preferred term instead ofrcpctition of its definition.
() Exampe:
air pin preferred term is presgure pin.
Related terms are provided where applicable, foilowing the definitionof the tenm provided.
(2) Fxample:
Reference; hom press
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this Standard is to define the termsmost commonly used in the industries that manufactureor use mechanically and hydraulically powered pressesto facilitate communication and understanding
actuafing confrol: an operator control used to initiateslide motion.
adapfer plate: a plate or Tabricatlon instafled berweenthe die(s) and the slide. to accommodate the die configuration to the slide face for proper location and fastening
ADC: automaric die change.
adjusrable barrier guard: a guard with provisions foradjustment to accommodate various jobs or toolingsctups.
adjustable bed: a bed bolted to the straight, verticalfinished surface of a hom or gap press frame andsupported, and adjusted up and down, by means of ascrew or screws usually operated by a hand mechanism.
adjustable bed press: a gap frame press with a straightfront that is equipped with, or arranged for, an adjust-able bed.
adjustable stroke: the capability of yarying the lengthof stroke of a slide.
adjustment of a slide: preferred term is slide adjusiment.
air cushion: preferred term is die cuxhion
preferred term is die cushion.air jack:
preferred term is die cushion.air pad:
air pin:prefcrred term is pressure pin.
air press:preferred term is pneumatic power press.
antirepear: the function of the control system thatlimits the press to a single cycle with the actuatingcontrol(s) held operated
with a two-hand control device, theanti tiedown:function of the control system that requires the releaseof al] actuators before press operation can be reinitiatedautomalic die chage: the fully programmable procedure for changing from the current die sctup to asocond dic setup, without any manual intervention.automalic die clamp: a power actuated means forfastening dies into the press.
automalic feeding: the process whereby means otherthan manual are used to place the material or workpiece(s) into the press and to remove the material orworkpiece(s) from the press.
automatic mode: any operating mode that producescontinuous cycling
Can also refer to the bed (of a large straight sidepress) mounted and guided in the press frame andprovided with a suitable mechanism, usually operatedby power, for varying the press shutheightAn exampleis a wedge adjustment on a knuckle joint press.

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