ASME B36.19M:2004 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

ASME B36.19M:2004 pdf download Stainless Steel Pipe
This Standard covers the standardization of dimen-sions of welded and seamless wrought stainless steelpipe for high or low temperatures and pressures.
The word pipe is used, as distinguished from fube, toapply to tubular products of dimensions commonly usedfor pipeline and piping systems.Pipes NPS 12(DN 300)and smaller have outside diameters numerically largerthan their corresponding sizes. In contrast, the outsidediameters of tubes are numerically identical to the sizenumber for all sizes.
The wall thicknesses for NPS 14 through 22 inclusive(DN 350-550inclusive) of Schedule 10S: NPS 12(DN300) of Schedule 40S; and NPS 10 and 12 (DN 250 and300) of Schedule 80S are not the same as those of ASMEB36.10M. The suffix “S”in the schedule number is usedto differentiate B36.19M pipe from B36.10M pipe.ASMEB36.10M includes other pipe thicknesses that are alsocommercially available with stainless steel material.
The size of all pipe in Table 1 is identified by thenominal pipe size.
The manufacture of pipe NPS (DN 6) through NPS12 (DN 300)inclusive, is based on a standardized out-side diameter (OD) This OD was originally selected sothat pipe with a standard OD and having a wall thick-ness that was typical of the period would have an insidediameter (ID) approximately equal to the nominal size.Although there is no such relation between the existingstandard thicknesses — OD and nominal size – thesenominal sizes and standard ODs continue in use asstandard.”
The manufacture of pipe NPS 14 (DN 350) and largerproceeds on the basis of an OD corresponding to thenominal size.
The dimensional standards for pipe described hereare for products covered in ASTM specifications.
The nominal wall thicknesses are given in Table 1.
The nominal weights of steel pipe are calculated val-ues and are tabulated in Table 1.(a) The nominal plain end weight, in pounds per footis calculated using the following formula:Wx=10.69(D – t)f
D= outside diameter to the nearest 0.001 in. (thesymbol D is used for OD only in mathematicalequations or formulas)We=nominal plain end weight, rounded to thenearest 0.01 lb /ftt=specified wall thickness, rounded to the nearest 0.001 in.
(b) The nominal plain end mass,in kilograms permeter, is calculated using the following formula:
W=0.0246615(D -t)t
D1outside diameter to the nearest 0.1 mm foroutside diameters that are 16 in.(4064 mm)and smaller, and 1.0 mm for outside diameterslarger than 16 in.(the symbol D is used for ODonly in mathematical equations or formulas)Wx = nominal plain end mass, rounded to the nearest 0.01 kg/mt= specified wall thickness, rounded to the nearest 0.01 mm
Variations in dimensions differ depending upon themethod of manufacture employed in making the pipeto the various specifications available. Permissible variations for dimensions are indicated in each specification
Unless otherwise specified, the threads of threadedpipe shall conform to ANSI/ASME B1.20.1,PipeThreads,General Purpose (nch).

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