ASME B31.4:2002 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

(a) This Liquid Transportation Systems Code is oneof several sections of the ASME Code for PressurePiping,B31. This Section is published as a separatedocument for convenience. This Code applies to hydrocarbons,liquid petroleum gas,anhydrous ammoniaalcohols, and carbon dioxide. Throughout this Codethese systems will be referred to as Liquid PipelineSystems.
(b) The requirements of this Code are adequate forsafety under conditions normally encountered in theoperation of liquid pipeline systems. Requirements forall abnormal or unusual conditions are not specificallyprovided for, nor are all details of engineering andconstruction prescribed All work performed within theScope of this Code shall comply with the safety standards expressed or implied.
(c) The primary purpose of this Code is to establishrequirements for safe design, construction, inspection,testing, operation, and maintenance of liquid pipelinesystems for protection of the general public and operating company personnel as well as for reasonableprotection of the piping system against vandalism andaccidental damage by others and reasonable protectionof the environment.
(d) This Code is concerned with employee safetyto the extent that it is affected by basic design, qualityof materials and workmanship, and requirements forconstruction,inspection,testing, operation,and maintenance of liquid pipeline systems. Existing industrialsafety regulations pertaining to work areas, safe workpractices, and safety devices are not intended to besupplanted by this Code.
(e) The designer is cautioned that the Code is nota design handbook. The Code does not do away withthe need for the engineer or competent engineeringjudgment. The specific design requirements of the Codeusually revolve around a simplified engineering approach to a subject. It is intended that a designercapable of applying more complete and rigorous analysisto special or unusual problems shall have latitude in the development of such designs and the evaluation ofcomplex or combined stresses. In such cases the designeris responsible for demonstrating the validity of hisapproach.
(f) This Code shall not be retroactive or construedas applying to piping systems installed before date ofissuance shown on document title page insofar as designmaterials, construction, assembly,inspection, and testingare concerned. It is intended, however, that the provisions of this Code shall be applicable within 6 monthsafter date of issuance to the relocation,replacementand uprating or otherwise changing existing pipingsystems; and to the operation, maintenance,and corrosion control of new or existing piping systems. AfterCode revisions are approved by ASME and ANSI, theymay be used by agreement between contracting partiesbeginning with the date of issuance. Revisions becomemandatory or minimum requirements for new installa-tions 6 months after date of issuance except for pipinginstallations or components contracted for or underconstruction prior to the end of the 6 month period.(g) The users of this Code are advised that in someareas legislation may establish governmental jurisdictionover the subject matter covered by this Code and arecautioned against making use of revisions that are lessrestrictive than former requirements without havingassurance that they have been accepted by the properauthorities in the jurisdiction where the piping is tobe installed. The Department of Transportation, UnitedStates of America, rules governing the transportationby pipeline in interstate and foreign commerce ofpetroleum,petroleum products, and liquids such asanhydrous ammonia or carbon dioxide are prescribedunder Part 195 – Transportation of Hazardous Liquidsby Pipeline, Title 49 – Transportation, Code of FederalRegulations.

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