ASME B30.3:2004 pdf download Construction Tower Cranes Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
Within the general scope as defined in Section I, B30.3applies to construction tower cranes, powered by electricmotors or internal combustion engines, and any variations thereof which retain the same fundamental characteristics. The scope includes cranes of the above typethat adjust operating radius by means of a boom luffingmechanism, or by means of a trolley traversing a horizontal boom or by means of a combination of the twoConstruction tower cranes may be mounted on fixed ortraveling bases.Additional mounting means mayinclude arrangements that permit the crane to climb inthe structure being built, or that permit increasing thetower height as the structure rises and utilizing bracesattached to the host structure as needed.
The requirements of this volume are applicable only tocranes when used in lifting work. Permanently mountedtower cranes (refer to ASME B304) and mobile cranetower attachments (refer to ASME B30.5) are not withinthe scope of this volume.
SECTION 3-0.2: DEFINITIONS3-0.2.1 Types of Cranes
(a) By Type of Application
construction fower crane: a hammerhead, luffing, or othertype of tower crane that is regularly assembled anddisassembled for use at various sites.It is usually characterized by provisions to facilitate erection and disman-tling and may include features to permit climbing ortelescoping.
permnanently mounted tower crane: a hammerhead, luffingor other type of tower crane that is erected for longelterm use at one location, (five years or more).The configuration of the crane usually remains unchanged duringthe entire installation period.Permanently mountedtower cranes are covered under ASME B30.4.(b) By Tpe of Boom
hammerhead fower crane: a tower crane with a horizontalboom and a load trolley that traverses the boom tochange load radius (see Figs. 1 and 5).
lffing tower crane: a crane with a boom pinned to thesuperstructure at its inner end and containing loadhoisting tackle at its outer end, and with a hoist mecha-nism to raise or lower the boom in a vertical plane tochange load radius (see Figs. 2 and 6).
(c) By Support Arrangementbraced or guyed foer crane: a tower crane with braces orguys attached to the tower (mast) to permit the craneto be erected to greater than the maximum free-standingheight (see Figs. 5 and 6).
free-standing fower crane: a tower crane that is supportedon a foundation or structural frame without assistancefrom braces, guys, or other means (see Figs. 1 and 2).internal climbing tower crane: a tower crane arranged toraise itself from floor to floor in a building as construc-
ion advances (see Fig. 7).(d) By Ability to Travelfixed-base fotver crane: a free-standing, braced, or guyedtower crane that is mounted on a foundation or struc-tural frame and does not travel (see Figs. 1 and 2).traveling tower crane: a free-standing tower cranemounted on a ballasted platform furnished with trucksthat ride along rails (see Fig. 3).
3-0.2.2 General
accessory: a secondary part or assembly of parts thatcontributes to the overall function and usefulness of amachine.
administrative or regulatory authority: governmentalagency, or the employer in the absence of governmentalurisdiction.
appointed: assigned specific responsibilities by theemployer or the employer ‘s representative.
authorized: approved as satisfactory by a duly constitutedadministrative or regulatory authority.
axis of rotation: the vertical line about which a craneswings.
balance: the condition of the superstructure of a towercrane necessary for telescoping and climbing; the loador the boom is positioned at that radius which causes the
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