ASME B30.3:1996 pdf download

12-13-2022 comment

ASME B30.3:1996 pdf download CONSTRUCTION TOWER CRANES Chapter 3-0 Scope, Definitions, and References
Section 3-0.1: Scope of B30.3
Within the general scope as defned in Section [,B30).3 anplies to construction tower cranes, poweredby electric motors or internal combustion engines, andany variations thereof which retain the same fundamental characteristics. The scone includes cranes of theabove type that adjust operating radius by means of aboom luffing mechanism, or by means of a trolleytraversing a horizontal boomn or by means of a combinalion of the twu. Construction tower cranes may bemounted on fixed or traveling bases. Additional mounting mcans may inciude arrangertenis ifat perinit thecrane to climb in the structure bcing built, or thatpermit increasing the tower height as the structure risesand utilizing braces attached to the host structure asneeded.
The requirements of this volumne are applicable onlyto cranes when used in lifting work. Permanent!ymounted tower cranes (refer to ASME B30.4) andmobile crane tower attachments (refer to ASME B30.Sare not within the scope of this volume.
Section 3-0.2: Definitions3-0.2.1 Types of Cranes(a) By Type of Application
construction fower crane: a hammerhead,iuffing. oother type of tower crane that is regularly assembledand disassembled for use at various sites. It is usutaliycharacterized by provisions to facilitate erection anddismantling and may include features to permit climbingor telescoping.
permanen!ly mounted tower crane: a hammerheadluffing, or other type of tower crane that is erectedfor longer term use at one location, (five years or
morc). The configuration of thc crane usually remainsunchanged during the entirc installation pcriod. Permanently mounted tower cranes are covered under ASMEB30.4
(b) By Type of Boom
hammerhead tower crane: a tower crane with a horizontal boom and a load trolley that traverses the boomto change load radius (see Figs. I and 5).lufjing tower crane: a crane with a boom pinned tothe superstructure at its inner end and containing toadhoisting tackle at its outer end, and with a hoistmnechanism to raise or lower the boom in a verticalpiane io change ioad radius (see Figs. 2 and 6).
(c) By Suppori Arrangemeni
braced or guyed tower crane. a tower crane wibraces or guys attached to the tower (mast) to permitthe crane to be crected to grcatcr than the maximumfree-standing height (see Figs. S and 6).
free standing tower crane: a tower crane that issupported on a foundation or structura! frame withoutassistance from braces, guys, or other means (see Figsand 2)
internal climhing tower crane: a tower crane arrangedto raise itself from floor to foor in a building asconstruction advances (see Fig. 7).
(d) By Abiliry to Travel
fixed base tower crane: a free standing, braced,orguyed tower crane that is mounted on a foundation orstructural frame and dos not travel (see Figs. i and 2)fravelintg fowver crane a fce standing tower crancmounted on a ballasted platform furmishcd with trucksthat ride along rails (see Fig. 3).

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