ASME B30.25:2003 pdf download Scrap and Material Handlers Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
Volume B30.25 includes provisions that apply to theconstruction, installation, operation, inspection, and
maintenance of scrap and materlal handlers consistingof a base, a revolving upper structure with operator’sstation(s), and a front for lifting scrap or materialsusing attachments such as magnets and grapples,andany varlations thereof in which the equipment retainsthe same fundamental characteristics. The provisionsincluded in this Volume apply to scrap and material hand-lers that are crawler mounted,rail mounted,wheelmounted,or on pedestalbases. The scope includeshydraulically operated scrap and material handlerspowered by internal combustion engines or electricmotors to lift,lower, and swing scrap and material at
various radii,
Hydraulic excavators designed for digging and tren-ching, forestry machines, machines designed for demoli.tion, lattice and telescopic boom cranes,rail-mountedcranes for railway and automobile wreck clearance,and equipment covered by other volumes of thisStandard are excluded.
25-0.2.1 Types of Scrap and Material Handlers
A scrap and materialhandler is herein after referred toas a”handler.” Handlers may be mounted on one of thefollowing bases:
crawler handler: mounted on a base, equipped withcrawler tracks for travel (see Figure 25-0.2.1-1).
pedestal-mounted handler: mounted on a pedestal base
(see Figure 25-0.2.1-2).
rai-mounted handler: mounted on a base equipped fortravel on a railroad track (see Figure 25-0.21-3).
wheel-mounted handler (multiple control stations ):
mounted on a base,equipped with axles and rubber-tired wheelsfor travel, a power source(s),and having
separate control stations for driving and operating (seeFigure 25-0.2.1-4)
wheel-mounted handler (single control station): mountedon a base, equipped with axles and rubber-tired wheels fortravel, a power source, and havinga single control stationfor drivingand operating (see Figure 25-0.2.1-5).
25-0.2.2 Generalaccessory: a secondary part or assembly of parts thatcontributes to the overall function and usefulness of amachine
administrative or regulatory authority: a governmentalagency, or the employer in the absence of governmentaljurisdiction.
ancillary equipment; equipment not required for the basic
operation of the handler.
assembler/modifier: entity that assembles and/or modi-
fies basic components to produce a handler.
attachment: an accessory like a magnet or grapple that isaffixed to the second or third member ofa front.
axis ofrotation: the vertical axis around which the handler
upper-structure rotates.
axle: the shaft or spindle with which or about which a
wheel rotates On wheel-mounted handlers it refers toa type ofaxle assembly including housings, gearing, differential, bearings,and mounting appurtenances.
axle (bogie): two or more axles mounted in tandem in a
frame so as to divide the load between the axles and permit
vertical oscillation of the wheels.
backward stability: the handler’s ability to resist over
turning in the direction opposite the front while in theunloaded condition.
ballast: weight used to supplement the weight of the
handler in providing stability for handling loads (the
term “ballast” is normally associated with rail-mountedhandlers).
base (mounting): the structure on which the rotating
upper-structure handler is mounted.
boom: first section of a front, one end of which is attached
to theupper-structure.
boom cylinders): the hydraulic cylinder(s) that move(s)
the boom vertically in relation to the upper-structure.
brake: a device used for retarding or stopping motion.
brake parking: a system to prevent inadvertent move-ment of a stationary handler.
brake, secondary: a system for stopping the handlerupon service brake system failure.
brake service: a system for slowing and stopping the
handler during travel operation.
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