ASME B30.2:2001 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

braking, hydraulic. a method of controlling or reducing speed by means of displacemment of a liquid.
braking, rnechanical: a method of controlling or reducing speed by fiction.
braking, prteurrafic: a mmethod of controlling or reducing speed by means of compressed gas.
braking. regenerulive: a method of controlling speedin which the electrical energy generated by the motolis fed back into the power system.
braking, service: a method to decelerate crane mnolionduring normal operation.
bridge: that part of a crane consisting of one ormore girders, trucks, end ties, footwalks, and drivemechanism, which earries the trolley or trolleys.
bridge travel: the crane movement in a directiouparallel to the crane runway.
bumper (buffer): a device for reducing impact whena moving crane or trolley reaches the end of its permittedtravel, or when two moving cranes or trolleys cominto contact This device may be attached to the bridgetrolley. or runway stop.
cab: the operator’s compartment on a crane
cab, normal: operator’s compartment used for controlling a cab-operated crane
cah, skeleton: operator’s compartment used for oecasional cab operation of a normally foor- or remoteoperated crane.
canrilever frame: a structural member that supportsthe trolley of a wall crane.
clearance: distance from any nart of the crane to thenearest obstucdon.
collectors, current: contacting devices for collectingcurrent from runway or bridge conductors.
conducrors, bridge: the electrical conductors locatedalong the bridge strucure of a crane that transmitcontrol signals and power to the trolley(s).
conduclors, runway (main): the electrical conductorslocated along a crane runway that tansmit controlsignals and powcr to the crane.
controller: a device, or group of devices, that serves togovern, in a predetermined manner, the power delivereddirectly to the apparatus to which it is connected.
controller, manual:a controller having all of its basicfunctions performed by devices that are opcrated byhand.
controller, spring-refurn: a controller that, when released, will return automatically to a neutral (off)position.
control panel: an assemnbly of components (magneticstatic, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) that governs the flowof power to or from a motor or other equipinlent inresponse to signals from a master switch, push-buttonstation, remote control automatie program control, orather similar device.
crane: a machine for lifting and lowering a load andmoving it horizontally, with the hoisting mechanismbeing an integral part of the machine.
crane, aufomatic. acrane which, when activated, oper-ates through a preset cycle or cycles.
crane, cab-operated. a crane whose movements arecontrolled by an operator through the use of controllerslocated in a cab that is attached to the crane.
crane, cantilever gantry: a gantry or semigantry cranein which the bridge girders or trusses extend transverselybeyond the crane runway on one or both sides (seeFig.1).
crane, flooroperated: a crane whost movements arecontrolled by an operator through the use of controllerscontained in a pendant station suspended from thecrane.
crane, gantry: a crane similar to an overhead craneexcept that the bridge for carrying the trolley or trolleys

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