ASME B30.1:1998 pdf download

12-13-2022 comment

ASME B30.1:1998 pdf download JACKS
If adopted for governmental use, the references toother national codes and standards in the specific vol-umes may be changed to refer to the correspondingregulations of the govermmental authorities.
The use of cableways, cranes, derricks, hoists, hooks,jacks, and slings is subject to certain hazards thatcannot be met by mechanical means but only by theexercise of intelligence, care, and common sense. It istherefore essential to have personnel involved in theuse and operation of equipment who are competent.careful,physically and mentally qualified, and trainedin the safe operation of the equipment and the handlingof the loads. Serious hazards are overloading. droppingor slipping of the load caused by improper hitchingor slinging, obstructing the free passage of the load.and using equipment for a purpose for which it wasnot intended or designed.
The Standards Committee fully realizes the impor-tance of proper design factors,minimum or maximumsizes, and other limiting dimensions of wire rope orchain and their fastenings,sheaves, sprockets,drumsand similar equipment covered by the Standard, all ofwhich are closely connected with safety. Sizes, strengthsand similar criteria are dependent on many differentfactors, often varying with the installation and uses.These factors depend on the condition of the equipmentor material; on the loads; on the acceleration or speedof the ropes,chains, sheaves,sprockets, or drums; onthe type of attachments; on the number, size, andarrangement of sheaves or other parts; on environmentalconditions causing corrosion or wear; and on manyvariable factors that must be considered in each individ.ual case. The rules given in the Standard must beinterpreted accordingly, and judgment used in determining their application.
Some of the provisions of this Standard requirccompliance with information found in manuals or otherdocuments with the equipment supplied by the manufacturer. The information includes recommendations,re-quirements, and instructions (e.g,“the reeving shallbe checked for compliance with the recommendationsof the manufacturer”).
Compliance with the provisions should not precludethe possibility of consulting a qualificd person. Thisis truc particularly when: the equipment has beenaltered,repaired, or modified; the manuals or documentssupplicd by the manufacturer are no longer available:or the manufacturer or a successor is no longer inbusiness and the manuals are no longer available.However,the purpose of consulting a qualified personshall not be to avoid contacting the manufacturer andusing the information supplied by the manufacturer.
The Standards Committee will be glad to receivecriticisms of this Standard’s requirements and sugges-tions for its improvement, especially those based onactual experience in application of the rules.
Suggestions for changes to the Standard should besubmitted to the Secretary of the B30 CommitteeASME.Three Park Avenue.New York,NY 100165990. and should be in accordance with the followingformat:
(a) cite the specific paragraph designation of thepertinent volume:
(b) indicate the suggested change (addition, deletionrevision,etc.);
(c) bricfly state the reason and/or cvidence for thesuggested change;
(d) submit suggested changes to more than one para-graph in the order that the paragraphs appear in thevolume.
The B30 Committee will consider cach suggestedchangc in a timely manner in accordance with itsprocedures.
Section I: Scope
This Standard applies to the construction, installationoperation.inspection,and maintenance of jacks; poweroperated cranes,monorails, and crane runways; poweroperated and manually operated derricks and hoistslifting devices, hooks, and slings; and cableways.

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