ASME B19.1:1995 pdf download

12-14-2022 comment

1.1 Scope
This Standard addresses all aspects of air compressorsystems from the entrance to the inlet device through thecompressor and associated heat exchangers, dryers, andpulsation suppression devices to the point of entry to thedistribution system.
The following types of air compressor systems arespecifically excluded from this Standard:
(a) those having ratings of 5 psig (0.34 bar gage) orless differential pressure. This eliminates fans and lowpressure blowers but includes mechanical air vacuumpummps;
(b) those having drivers rated at less than 1 horsepower (l.l kW):
(c) those which operate as part of facilities for pro-cessing petroleum,petrochemicals, or chemicals, including air separation plants;
(d) those functioning as part of automotive and trans-portation equipment. Exammples are truck air brake systems, aircraft air conditioning systems, and automotiveemission control compressors;
(e) thermal compressors such as steam jet ejectors;(f) turbochargers and superchargers that are part of aprime mover.
1.2 Purpose
This Standard classifies and makes available generalinformation on practices. specific requirements. and recommendations covering safety for air compressors, theirdrives, and auxiliaries.
Safety requirements,recommendations,and suggestions described in this Standard provide guidance to thosewho design, produce,install, maintain, and/or operate aifcompressor systems.
The general subject of compressed air is extremelybroad. It is the intention of this Standard to cover safetyin all aspects of the generation of compressed air.
1.3 Application
The provisions of this Standard apply to air compresso!systems except as excluded below.Other exceptions maybe necessary with regard to systems of unusual designcomplexity, or function. In such cases, the system designer has the responsibility to develop equivalent safetyfeatures.
This Standard does not apply to the following:(a) basic mechanical design. This Standard assumes asessential that the compressor and air compressor systemcomponents be designed by qualified engineers in accord.
ance with recognized standards and specifications:(b) design and operation of the compressed air distribution system. Distribution system refers to the com-pressed air system beyond the compressor and associatedheat exchangers,dryers, and pulsation suppression de-vices;
(c) design and operation of the equipment or apparatuswhich uses the compressed air;
(d) air compressor systems that are an integral part offacilities for processing petroleum,petrochemicals,orchemicals,including air separation plants.These are cov-ered by ASME B19.3,Safety Standard for Compressorsfor Process Industries.
The principles promoting safe generation and use ofcompressed air are not restricted to new air compressorsystems. It is recommended that all air compressor systems be reviewed to consider possible changes due torevision of this Standard.
1.4 Definitions
aftercooling -involves cooling of air in a heat exchangerfollowing the completion of compression to reduce thetemperature and to liquefy condensable vaporscapacity – the inlet volumetric flowratecompressor The principal types of compressors arcshown in Fig.I and are defined below. Cam, diaphragm.and diffusion pumps or compressors are not shown be-cause of their specialized applications and relativelysmnall size.

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