ASME B18-8-3M:1995 pdf download

12-14-2022 comment

1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This Standard covers the dimensional and general data for coiled spring pins recognized as AmericanNational Standard, which are widely used in gencral in-dustrial applications
1.1.2 The inclusion of dimensional data in this Stan-dard is not intended to imply that all products describedare stock production sizes. Consumers are requested toconsult with suppliers concerning the availability ofproduct.
1.2 Description
Coiled spring pins shall have straight cylindrical sideswith both ends chamfered. They are available in standard duty, heavy duty, and light duty to suit variousdesign requirements. Coiled type spring pins have mul-tiple walls, are spirally wrapped from strip stock to adiameter larger than basic. and are heat treated as necessary or cold worked. Upon installation, the pin di-ameters contract and the spring reaction against the sidesof the hole tends to retain the pin. Dimensions of coiledtype spring pins are given in Table 1.
1.3 Dimensions
All dimensions in this Standard are in millimeters un-less otherwise noted.
1.4 Options
Options, where specified, shall be at the discretion ofthe supplier,unless otherwise agreed upon by the supplier and purchaser.
1.5 Terminology
For definitions of terms relating to fasteners or component features thereof used in this Standard, refer to ANSI B18.12, Glossary of Terms for Mechanical Fasteners.
1.6 Comparison With IS 8748,IS0 8750,andIS0 8751
1.6.1 ISO 8748.ISO 8750,and ISO 8751 were prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC2 and publishedin 1987
1.6.2 ISO 8748 covers the heavy duty,ISO 8750covers the standard duty, and ISO 8751 covers the lightduty. This Standard includes all thrce dutics.
1.6.3 At this time, all three ISO documents covercarbon steel only. This Standard covers the followingmaterials:
(a) 1070-1095 carbon steel (UNS G10700 – UNSG10950)
(b) 6150 alloy steel (UNS H61500)
(c) 420 corrosion resistant steel (UNS S42000)
(d) 302 or 304 corrosion resistant steel (UNS S30200or UNS S30400)
The ISO documents detail the chemical elements of thematerials,while this Standard identifies the materialsusing the applicable UNS designation.
1.6.4 The pin hardness in the three ISO documentsfor carbon steel is listed as 420 to 520 HV. This Stan.dard lists the hardness for carbon steel and alloy steel as420 to 545 HV. This difference has been called to theattention of the proper ISO committee for resolution
1.7 Referenced Standards
Copies of referenced ISO standards may be obtainedfrom the American National Standards Institute,Inc.11 West 42nd Street,New York,NY 10036.Copies of referenced ANSI and ASME/ANSI stan-dards may be obtained from ANSI at the address aboveor from The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,22 Law Drive,Box 2900,Fairfield,NJ 070072900.
Copies of referenced ASTM standards may be ob- tained from The American Society for Testing and Ma- terials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Copies of referenced Federal or MIL specifications may be obtained from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building #4, 700 Robbins Avenue, Phila- delphia, PA 191 11-5094.

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