ASME B18.2.6:1996 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This Standard covers the complete general anddimensional data for four products in the inch series rec-ognized as American National Standard. Heavy hex iulthickness formulas and thosc for width across flats andwidth across corners are found in the Appendix of ASIMEB18.2.2.
1.1.2 Thc inclusion of dimensiunai data in thisStandard is not intended to imply that all products de-scribed herein arc stock production sizes. Consummersshould consult with manufacturers conceming lisis oiavailable stock production sizcs.
1.1.3 Fasieners inlended for use in structural applications and purchased for govermnent use shail conform tothis Standard.
1.2 Dimensions
All dimensions in this Standard are in inches unlessstated otherwise,and apply to unplated or uncoated product. When plating or coating is specified, the finishedproduct dimensions shall be as agreed upon betweensupplier and purchascr. Symbols specifying geonetriccharacteristics arc in accord with ASE Y14.5iv.Dimensioning and Tolcrancing.
1.3 Options
Options, whcre specified, shall be ai he discretion ofthe manufacturcr unless otherwise agreed upon by thepurchaser with the manufacturer or distributor.
1.4 Terminology
For definitions of terms relating to fasteners or component features thercof used in this Standard, refer toASME Glossary of Terms for Mechanical FastenersASME B18.12.
1.5 Related Standards
Dimensional Standards for other fasteners used in con-Struction are published by ASME under separate coverssuch as B18.2.1 and B18.2.2.
Standards for chemical and mechanical requirements[or structural bolts are included in ASTM A 325 andASTM A 490. Heavy hex nuts are inciuded in ASTM A563.Hardene steel washers are included in ASTM F436and compressible-washer-type direct tension indicators inASTM F 959.
1.6 Referenced Standards
Unless otherwise specified. the referenced standardsiiali be the most recent issue at the time of order place.ment.
Copies of referenced ASME Standards may beobtained from tie American Society of MechanicalEngineers,22 Law Drive,PO. BOx 2300 Fairfield, NJ07007-2300.
Copics of rcferenced ASTIM standards may be obtained from the Amcrican Society for Testing andMaterials,100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken.PA 19428-2959.
Copies of the allowable stress design and load and resistance factor design specification for structural joints us-ing ASTM A 325 or ASTM A 490 bolts approved by theResearch Council on Structural Connections (RCSC)arcavailahle from the American Institute of Stee! ConstructionOne Fast Wacker Drive, Suite 3100, Chicago, IL 60601-200l, or the Industrial Fasteners Institute,1717 East NinthStreet, Suite ii05, (eveland, Ohio 44114-2879.
2.1 Heads
2.1.1 Width Across Flats. The width across flatsof heads shall he the distance measured perpendicular tothe axis of product, overall between two opposite sidesof the head in accordance with the notes in the dimen-siunal tabie.

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