ASME B18.2.3.10M:1996 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

ASME B18.2.3.10M:1996 pdf download SQUARE HEAD BOLTS (METRIC SERES)
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This Standard covers the general and dimensional data for standard metric series square head bolts
1.1.2 The inclusion of dimensional data in thisStandard is not intended to imply that all of the productsdescribed are stock production items. Consumers shouldconsult with suppliers conceming the availability ofproducts.
1.2 Comparison With ISO Standards
1.2.1 There is no ISO product standard for squarehead bolts. This Standard is similar to ISO 4016Hexagon head bolts — Product grade C, and ISO 4018.Hexagon head screws Product grade C, but withsquare head. For the samne nominal size, this Standarddiffers from ISO 4016 or ISO 4018 as follows:
(a) The head is square, instead of hexagonal, butwith the same width across flats. Tolerances for widthsacross flats and across corers agree with ISO 4759/1.(b) Threads are tolerance class 6g. instead of 8g.(c) Tolerances on bolt length are increased for sizesover M16 of lengths up to 150 mm.
(d) An optional reduced hammer body, with or without full size shoulder, is added.
(e) Material and property class choices are added.
1.2.2 Letter symbols designating dimensional charac-teristics agree with ISO 225, Fasteners – Bolts screwsand studs Symbols and designators of dimensionsexcept where capitals have been used instead of lower-case letters used in the ISO standards.
1.3 Terminology
For definitions of terms relating to fasteners or compo-nent features thereof used in this Standard, refer to ANS!B18.12,Glossary of Terms for Mechanical Fasteners.
1.4 Dimensions
All dirnensions in this Standard are given in millime-ters (mm), and apply before any coating, unless otherwise stated.
Dimensioning and tolerancing in this Standard arcin accord with ASME Y14SMDimensioning andTolerancing.
1.5 Designation
Square head bolts shall be designated by the followingdata, preferably in the sequence shown: product namcand designation of the standard, nominal diameter andthread pitch,nominal length,steel property class ormaterial identification, and protective coating.if required.
NOTE: It is common practice in ISO standards to ornit the threadpitch from the product size designation when screw thrends are thcmetri coarse pitch series, e.g, M10 is MIO x 1.S.
EXAMPLES:Square head bolt B18.2.3.10M,M20 x 2.5 * 80,class 4.6,zincplated per ASTM F 871M and ASTM B 633 Fe/Zn type llSquare head bol B18.2.3.10M, pointed, M16 x 2 80, class 10.9Square hcad bolt B18.2.3.10M,M6 1 x 30,CRES (CorrosionResistant Steel) AI-S0 ASTM F 738M
Square head bolt B18.2.3.10M, type R,pointed, M12 X I.75 x 60,Alloy 651 silicon bronzc
1.6 Referenced Standards
ANSI and ISO standards may be obtained from theAmerican National Standards Institute.11 West 42ndStreet New York,NY10036-8002.Alternatively,ANSI.ANSVASME,ASME/ANSI and ASME B1,B18,Y14 standards may be obtained from the ASME OrdeDepartment,22 Law Drive,Box 2300,Fairfield,N]
07007-2300.ASTM standards may be obtained from the AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr HarborDrive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.SAE standards maybe obtained from the Societyof Automotive Engineers,Inc.,400 CommonwealthDrive.Warrendale.PA 15096-0001.

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