ASME B18.18.6M:1998 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

ASME B18.18.6M:1998 pdf download Qualily Asurance Plan fop faseners Produced in a Third Party Acreditation System
1.1 Basic Plan Structure
This plan is for a quality system that has beencertified by a third party process utilizing independentaudits under the provisions of a third party accreditationprogram administered by a consensus standards organi-zation. It is intended to serve as a Quality AssurancePlan for externally and internally threaded fastenersand accessories or associated parts, It is to be used inconjunction with other part-specific quality plans whichhave been agreed to berween manufacturer and pur-chaser. The Basic Plan Outline is included in Fig. 1.This Standard requires that manufacturers must bequalified under provisions of third party accreditationincluded in the referenced standards.
2.1 Third Party Accreditation Standards
OS 9000. Quality System Requirements
Publisher: Automotive Industry Action Group, Department 77839,P.O.BOx 77000,Deroit,MI 48277
FAPI Quality Assurance Program Requirements forFastener Manufacturers,Distributors, and TestingLaboratories
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,Threc Park Avenue.New York,NY 100165990
ISO/IEC Guide 25 for testing areas
Publisher: Intemational Organization for Standardization(ISO)I ruc de Varembe, Case postale 56,CH-1121.Geneve 20,Switzerland/Suisse
2.2 Related Standards
See Appendix A.
3.1 Scope
For the purpose of this Standard, third party registration is the successful conclusion of a structured auditingand approval board process that has verified complianceof an audited quality system to a specified qualitysystem standard. Such compliance is determined by thedocumented auditing of the defined system and itsscope of activities (in its various documented andimplemmented forms) by an agency (registrar) that hasthe authority,conferred by an accreditation processitself, to audit and grant registration status. Registrarsare recognized by the American National StandardsInstitute and/or the American Society for QualityControl.
3.2 Lot Controls
3.2.1 Raw material shall be supplied to the manufac-turer traceable to a mill heat of material.
3.2.2 Subcontracted processes including plating andheat treating shall be controlled to avoid product lotcontamination.
3.2.3 Finished lots shall be traceable to raw materialsupplier and subcontracted processes.
3.3 Inspection and Records
3.3.1 Inspection Plan and Inspection Points.Thc manufacturer shall have a document to indicatethose points within the manufacturing process wherefastcner sampling and inapection is carricd out, Inprocess control plans relating frequency of inspectioncorrective action for nonconforming characteristics, andsample sizes shall be documented prior to production.The in-process control plan shall include thosc characteristics specified by the quality system standard, characteristics specifcally indicated by the product standard,othose characteristics normally accepted as appropriatefor evaluating product functionability. This plan shallbe made available to the customer on his request.

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